:: Re: [Dng] Freedom Logo
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Autor: Anto
Data: 2015-03-31 18:31 -000
Dla: dng
Temat: Re: [Dng] Freedom Logo

On 31/03/15 19:27, wojt wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>      I am aware of the planets names theme, nevertheless I would like to propose a slightly different from the galaxies approach towards the logo, namely highlighting the liberated character of the project and at the same time reference to Debian.
>      The logo which utilizes the universal symbol of freedom – a bird (eagle) and at the same time the Debian spiral is the epitome of the whole concept of Devuan, it is very informative about what Devuan actually is, thus it could help to promote the project. Furthermore eagle is also a creature of a 'firm' character so to say, therefore it will add a positive connotations to Devuan. It will be very beneficial for the project to be promoted with a logo which has a clear, strong and precise symbolic message:  http://without-systemd.org/wiki/index.php/File:Devuan_Freedom.png
> What are your thoughts on this?

> Kind Regards,
> kvasny.

Hello Kvasny,

That looks good. But I don't think it is necessary to have Debian logo
there. That does not look fit in my view. Does it have to be there?

