:: Re: [Dng] Claim your power
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Lähettäjä: Steve Litt
Päiväys: 2015-03-31 13:53 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: Re: [Dng] Claim your power
On Tue, 31 Mar 2015 10:10:28 +0200
Martin Steigerwald <martin@???> wrote:

> Saying that systemd is the source of all evil and we are doomed to
> it, is in no way helpful for any "we want to be without systemd"
> efforts like Devuan. Quite the opposite: It harms the credibility of
> such projects, cause it gives the impression that those projects just
> consists of a bunch of people who circulate conspirations theories
> about systemd *without* doing *anything* about the situation.

I've seen almost nobody on the Dng list make the compound statement
referenced in the first sentence of the preceding paragraph. Systemd is
the source of all evil? Certainly, a lot of us believe it's evil. We're
doomed to it? No, that's strictly a Debian-User talking point, and I
haven't seen it used here. If you're interpreting "systemd is the
source of all evil" as "we are doomed to it", I think you're
misinterpreting what people meant.

In fact, we've gathered around Devuan specifically to eliminate
systemd. Regardless of motivation or philosophy or anything else, the
one thing we're *actually doing* on this distro is getting rid of

Now here's the thing: The people gathered around Devuan all want to be
free of systemd, but for many different reasons. Some don't like its
architecture. Some want to retain the ability to write init scripts.
Some want native text logs. Some don't like its lead programmer. Some
don't like its sponsor. Some believe it's the opening salvo in an
Embrace->Extend->Extinquish attack. Some are tired of their low level
operating system being somebody else's experimental lab.

So we all work together. Conspiracy theorists and init script lovers,
Redhat haters and modularity insisters, we all must work together,
because if we don't all hang together, we most certainly will hang

I think we all should accept each others' motivations for working on
Devuan. That's the sure way of guaranteeing that we'll never be doomed
to systemd.


Steve Litt                *  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance