:: Re: [Dng] This has GOT to be an Apr…
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Auteur: KatolaZ
Datum: 2015-03-31 06:51 -000
Aan: Nate Bargmann
CC: dng
Onderwerp: Re: [Dng] This has GOT to be an April Fools joke
On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 04:56:00PM -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote:


> > I personally find hilarious that most of the people out there are
> > still convinced that the systemd-nonsense is just a replacement for
> > sysv-init, while it should be clear by now that it is already becoming
> > a pervasive cancer...
> Of course, the next step is an "authorized" and signed kernel
> distributed only in binary form that can be "trusted" on Win10 certified
> hardware. Add to that scenario that some future version of systemd will
> only work with the signed and "trusted" binary only kernel...

Again. such a binary blob cannot be the Linux kernel with some
patches, thanks to the fact that Linux is under GPLv2, so any modified
version of it has to be released with the same license, which implies
that any user should be able to use, distribute, modify and
redistribute the software she receives under that license.

This is something for which we should definitely thank RMS and (a
probably not so freedom-conscious) Linus Torvalds :)



[ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ --- GLUG Catania -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ me [at] katolaz.homeunix.net -- http://katolaz.homeunix.net -- ]
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