Auteur: Jaromil Datum: 2015-03-24 16:55 -000 Aan: Hendrik Boom CC: dng Onderwerp: Re: [Dng] rumors on RMS about systemd at libreplanet
On Tue, 24 Mar 2015, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 04:47:32PM -0700, Go Linux wrote:
> >
> > A link to Revolution OS was recently posted on irc. I had never
> > seen it before. It seems that the cycle has come full circle and now
> > Devuan is going back to the future and reinventing the wheel all
> > over again. Only this time the escape isn't from MS or Apple. It is
> > from the enemy within. If history teaches us anything it is that
> > nothing lasts for long and that freedom has to be continuously
> > reclaimed from those who profit from control of ideas, goods and
> > services. I see Devuan returning to its roots as the future of
> > Linux and cooperative freedom in the digital age . . . a light in
> > the darkness . . .
> I've had this feeling for a while, that even we who know our history
> are doomed to repeat it. I've escaped from the clutches of DOS,
> Windows, OS/2 to Linux, transited through several commercial distros
> to Debian, only to find I have to do it over again.
> The difference this time, is that we have the source code, which is
> what the previous revolution bought us.
I would add we have a very well organized source code history, thanks to
the way Debian was made through the years. As I said before it is being
fork friendly and we are finding good strategies to reach our objective
with minumum effort and good gain in innovation (last but not least the
Amprolla caching-repository system nextime is now coding from scratch)
So well, kudos to Debian for that: it was not all wasted time and we are
definitely standing on the shoulders of giants... who are being defeated
by a flu.
Actually, looking closer to some package history, is quite clear that
the flu affecting the giant has rushed to infect vital parts of his body
in order to take over completely and in most cases unnecessarily, just
to rule out any opportunity of healing. Some other independent effort in
the future may want to undertake an analysis of how all this story went,
in the meantime we are quickly approaching a warm light at the end of
the tunnel.
Right after the end of this month there will be a VUA press release to
update on the status of development and the financial situation of
donations received, which kept coming at a steady rate, thanks to all