:: Re: [Dng] rumors on RMS about syste…
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Skribent: Mark R. White
Dato: 2015-03-23 18:59 -000
Til: Jaromil
CC: dng
Emne: Re: [Dng] rumors on RMS about systemd at libreplanet
>On these regards Stefano wrote "troll as action != troll as a person"

<https://twitter.com/jaromil/status/579594919767064576> so he still
>considers the action of asking a systemd question to RMS to be trolling

>I think this is unacceptable under so many ways... some of which I've
>tried to explain. I'm also !flabbergasted! to see the discussion averted
>into the AST for GCC debacle with a touch of RMS bashing. Either someone
>is really missing the point of what is happening here, or really doesn't
>wants us to acknowledge that a Debian leader and OSI board member is
>acting this way, which I keep perceiving as bullying not only against an
>elderly member of our communities, but against anyone concerned.

>I think this situation says *a lot* about what has been going on in
>Debian's governance for the past, err, 4 years or so? including the
>dust-storm sweeping this thread, which is about a precise issue. And
>that is why - maybe wrongly so as Martijn points - I'm very nervous.

Exactly! Well said. Stefano's take on this is abominable. That's why we're
here, right? To escape Debian governance and the fact it's being
monopolized by Gnome developers and systemd fan boys.

Devuan - All the apt you can handle with none of the systemd headache.

Just to be clear: I've seen a lot of cross talk about the possibility of
systemd being put into Devuan via a sandbox or even having the systemd API
written in. Is it safe to assume that going forward that there will be no
systemd in Devuan? Because if there is, I'm in the wrong place.

> > * On 2015 22 Mar 22:09 -0500, Peter Olson wrote:
> > > > On March 22, 2015 at 6:29 AM Jaromil <jaromil@???> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > On Sat, 21 Mar 2015, Peter Olson wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > RMS didn't call me a troll, he answered the question. Somebody
> else
> > > > > took it upon himself to refer to the question as trolling. I
> haven't
> > > > > decided yet whether to speak to that person tomorrow about it.
> > > >
> > > > Stefano refused my definition of bullying, which indeed may be
> debated.
> > >
> > > Stefano and I had an amicable conversation about the issue and I
> > > understand his point of view.
> >
> > That's one way, but how about the other, does he appreciate your POV or
> > does he still consider the question to be trolling?
> On these regards Stefano wrote "troll as action != troll as a person"
> https://twitter.com/jaromil/status/579594919767064576 so he still
> considers the action of asking a systemd question to RMS to be trolling
> I think this is unacceptable under so many ways... some of which I've
> tried to explain. I'm also !flabbergasted! to see the discussion averted
> into the AST for GCC debacle with a touch of RMS bashing. Either someone
> is really missing the point of what is happening here, or really doesn't
> wants us to acknowledge that a Debian leader and OSI board member is
> acting this way, which I keep perceiving as bullying not only against an
> elderly member of our communities, but against anyone concerned.
> I think this situation says *a lot* about what has been going on in
> Debian's governance for the past, err, 4 years or so? including the
> dust-storm sweeping this thread, which is about a precise issue. And
> that is why - maybe wrongly so as Martijn points - I'm very nervous.
> ciao
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Mark R. White
RIP Debian 15 Sep 1993 - 5 Feb 2014