Le 22/03/2015 16:59, Steve Litt a écrit :
> On Sun, 22 Mar 2015 12:53:02 +0000
> Nuno Magalhães<nunomagalhaes@???> wrote:
>> >On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 7:24 AM, T.J. Duchene<t.j.duchene@???>
>> >wrote:
>>> > >What I said was at some point Devuan will probably have to support
>>> > >systemd's API, in order to support upstream projects that actually
>>> > >require systemd.
>> >
>> >Why?
>> >
>> >Biggest example: GNOME (now) requires systemd. I don't want systemd,
>> >so, i won't use GNOME. If i want either, i'll use Debian, not Devuan.
> I agree 100% with Nuno.
> I agree also. I'm still not against leaving some room to Gnome/KDE
to come in if they find a way to run with stubs, or totally without
systemd (which I doubt), but I absolutely don't care if Devuan has none
of them.
99% people use Windows or Mac. Out of the 1% using Linux or BSD,
80% try painfully to get shomething working out of Gnome, because it's
installed by default and they don't know of usable DEs they could install.
I think a Linux desktop with Xfce4 as default is going to be more
attractive than Debian to any user, even if they didn't hear of systemd.
Think of it: a desktop that's usable, out of the box! The Desktop is
going to make the difference, because, of course, Debian Gnome/Linux
will force people into Gnome's hell (no typo).