:: Re: [Dng] rumors on RMS about syste…
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Auteur: Jaromil
Datum: 2015-03-22 09:29 -000
Aan: Peter Olson
CC: dng, Robert Storey
Onderwerp: Re: [Dng] rumors on RMS about systemd at libreplanet
On Sat, 21 Mar 2015, Peter Olson wrote:

> > On March 21, 2015 at 6:36 PM Robert Storey <robert.storey@???>
> > wrote:
> >
> > Hopefully, it's just a rumor, though it sounds real.
> >
> > Indeed, I've been wondering why RMS hasn't commented on systemd long
> > ago when it became obvious that it would effectively dump his
> > beloved Hurd project into the trash can. If he really called someone
> > a "troll" for asking his opinion of systemd, then my feeling about
> > RMS has gone down a couple of notches.
> RMS didn't call me a troll, he answered the question. Somebody else
> took it upon himself to refer to the question as trolling. I haven't
> decided yet whether to speak to that person tomorrow about it.

Stefano refused my definition of bullying, which indeed may be debated.

But at the very least the episode is that of public denigration for
somoene asking a question, made worse by the fact it is operated by a
renown public figure and leader. This just sets an example for all the
other guys present, plus gives a picture of the attitude of such Debian

So well, I do think is bullying, but ultimately you decide and I may be
wrong on that - and as Steve says, no big deal really, we know this
happens all the time, I just think it is right to point it out and call
it for what it is, rather than being bullied and stay in silence.

again thanks for asking that question Peter,
