Skribent: Dato: 2015-03-21 23:42 -000 Til: dng Emne: Re: [Dng] rumors on RMS about systemd at libreplanet
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 1:23 AM, Joerg Reisenweber -
<> wrote: > Besides me for one not liking the idea to *get* *forced* to use btrfs for /,
The only way not to be forcing anybody is to stick with the least
common denominator for everything. That flat out stops progress.
> my link rather was referring to statements like >>The classic Linux
> distribution scheme is frequently not what end users want, either. Many users
> are used to app markets like Android, Windows or iOS/Mac have.<<
As I said: I am not to excited about those apps either. I think
sandboxing can be a security feature, but not while everything needs
X11. Great software -- but only when you are safe to assume that
everybody is nice to each other. We really need to get rid of that
insecure crap!
> I'm not playing around with concurrent distros either, I'm absolutely happy
> with a single one that works and can get tailored to my needs by _me_
So am I, but I still like to be able to have different versions of my
distro of choice. I do sometimes break things during an upgrade or
during the tailoring:-) Maybe you are a better tailor than me, but I
really enjoy the safety net. And yes, my systems are heavily tailored.
How else would I be able to implement such a proposal?
But you need to keep your eyes open for new ideas. And sometimes you
find them in the most unexpected places:-)