:: Re: [Dng] rumors on RMS about syste…
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Auteur: devuan.kn
Datum: 2015-03-21 23:15 -000
Aan: dng
Onderwerp: Re: [Dng] rumors on RMS about systemd at libreplanet
Hi Jörg,

I am going to get beaten for this, but that proposal is actually
brilliant! Well, brilliant if you are not bothered by btrfs that is:-)
But that is what I got backups for.

While I do not care about all the sandboxing that got mixed into this,
the rest got me really thinking about my setups. Splitting them into
state (root:-subvolumes), distribution (usr:-subvolumes) and user data
(home:-subvolumes) is a pretty damn powerful idea. I implemented that
in the meantime for all my systems and it makes it so much simpler to
play with different distros and settings. You should seriously
consider to adopt that for devuan: It is a breeze to have several
distro versions installed at the same time and switch between those at
boot-time now.

You do not even need a systemd-system for that! Just one that made
sure all the distro-crap is in /usr and that is really easy to do with
any distro and a couple of symlinks:-)

Now all I need to do is make the PCs in the pool auto-reset to the
last known good state on reboot by using a ram-based filesystem
instead of the proposed root:-subvolume. That does not work too well
with systemd or without at this time:-/

Best Regards,

PS: Don't come running with "/ is a minimal system with everything
necessary to recover the rest". Been there done that for ages, but
nowadays my initrd is that minimal system already. It has everything
to fsck and mount stuff with all the relevant filesystems. There is no
need to have another one loaded by the initrd.

On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 12:52 AM, Joerg Reisenweber -
<devuan.kn.d76efe93d7.reisenweber#web.de@???> wrote:
> On Sun 22 March 2015 00:40:45 Joerg Reisenweber wrote:
>> kills the Linux FOSS ecosystem now,
> This time read ecosystem as "economic system". The "ecologic system" aka
> "community" is probably still fine.
> RH just establishes the new better economic system:
> http://0pointer.net/blog/revisiting-how-we-put-together-linux-systems.html
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