:: Re: [Dng] greetings & how to help
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Auteur: fsmithred
Date: 2015-03-17 21:06 -000
À: dng
Sujet: Re: [Dng] greetings & how to help
On 03/17/2015 09:56 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
> I tried the Vagrant on my Wheezy box the day the Vagrant image came out,
> and it errored out with some VirtualBox error. I forgot the error, and
> don't have enough time to whip it into working shape. Are there any
> instructions for using Vagrant with Qemu instead of Virtualbox?

If you managed to download the image...

qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O raw box-disk1.vmdk devuan_alpha1.img
