:: Re: [Dng] greets
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Autor: KatolaZ
Data: 2015-03-09 17:20 -000
Dla: Christopher Barry
CC: fork-it
Nowe tematy: [Dng] Devuan foundational philosophy: was greets
Temat: Re: [Dng] greets
On Mon, Mar 09, 2015 at 01:36:14PM -0400, Christopher Barry wrote:
> Hey all,

Hi Christopher,

welcome on board. Maybe I am not the most adequate person to answer
all your questions, but I will do my best. I am sure the ML will point
out any inaccuracy.

> I just joined this list to see how it was going, and to figure out what
> this project is really all about. Is 'devuan' the final name, or
> simply a placeholder?

Devuan is the final name (at the moment! :P) and is really
happening. It is a fork of Debian with the clear intention of creating
and maintaining a Debian in which init freedom is guaranteed (which
initially will boil down to eradicate systemd and all its companions
from Debian). There is already an alpha release intended to be used
solely by developers and not for production (you can find the
announcement and the link in the ML archive or March), a repository
with some initial packages (the other ones will most probably be
imported directly from Debian Jessie) and a gitlab

> First, does the manifesto and constitution come with?

There exists a proposed minimal draft for a Devuan Constitution:


that everybody acquainted with the Debian Constitution should indeed
find quite familiar :)

> Second, how many original Debian devs / maintainers are on board?

No clear idea about this. I know there should be at least half a dozen
DDs in the ML, but I suspect many others have been lurking around...

> Finally, who are the people currently running the show?
> (If there's a page that tells me all this, please post a link.)

The Veteran Unix Admins collective is responsible for the project, and
the Dyne foundation (www.dyne.org) is providing material, technical
and moral support to the developers ;)



[ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ --- GLUG Catania -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ me [at] katolaz.homeunix.net -- http://katolaz.homeunix.net -- ]
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