:: [Dng] Hardened Devuan (was Re: Plan…
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Autor: hellekin
A: dng
Temas antiguos: Re: [Dng] Plan for Devuan to use Mozilla products as is
Asunto: [Dng] Hardened Devuan (was Re: Plan for Devuan to use Mozilla products as is)
On 03/06/15 05:06, Neo Futur wrote:
>> the Grsecurity/Pax hardening of the kernel, will you think of it,
>> instead of SELinux, or as an option besides SELinux? It sure will be
>> attainable in the way I got it in Debian in that Tip, but official
>> support would be so great!
> https://git.devuan.org/groups/hardened
> we are a few guys planning to try and maintain a grsec kernel for
> devuan, for now we are waiting for a bevuan beta version before
> starting working on it.
> anyone interested, feel free to join !

*** I'm so happy to see this group. I've been using this kernel lately,
running on Parabola:


GRSecurity, and Knock support. Knock is a kernel patch that enables
single packet port knocking [0], thwarting common scanning attacks. I
would love to see this running on Devuan. Parabola GNU/Linux was the
first distro to deploy it, and I've been using it happily with SSH.


[0]: https://gnunet.org/kirsch2014knock

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