:: Re: [Dng] release names
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Autor: Neo Futur
Data: 2015-03-05 03:40 -000
A: Robert Storey
CC: dng@lists.dyne.org
Assumpte: Re: [Dng] release names
> Just want to say that I really like this idea of naming releases after minor
> planets, such as Ceres. It's a way cool idea. I nominate pseudo-planet Sedna
> for a future Devuan release. Not sure how many of these planets exist, but
> if we run out of planet names, there's always the many moons of the solar
> system (165 by last count). And then there are the comets.

I named my dedicated servers the same way ( newly discovered planets
) and . . . sedna was the name of my first server ! after that i used
( and recommend ) xena, gemelos and gabrielle