:: Re: [Dng] Devuan Weekly News XIV - …
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Szerző: Franco Lanza
Dátum: 2015-03-04 01:42 -000
Címzett: dng
Tárgy: Re: [Dng] Devuan Weekly News XIV - Where no toy has gone before
On Tue, Mar 03, 2015 at 04:19:06AM -0300, hellekin wrote:
> ## Editorial
> It's hard to believe it's winter when you have to mop the sweat out of
> your keyboard, but the intensity of this week's conversations, and
> @golinux's [penguins][0] made thinking about cold easier. Cold reigns
> in deep space as well and Devuan users will appreciate the identity
> moving away from toyland: although Debian Jessie refers to an
> adventurous toy cowgirl with an attitude, Devuan's Jessie refers to a
> place no toy has ever gone before. Exit the naughty `Sid` brat,
> welcome `Ceres`, largest object in the asteroid belt, and the first
> minor planet discovered in the 19th Century. That's right, [Devuan
> release codenames][1] will be named after minor planets of our solar
> system. As far as visual identity goes, and although the logo still
> consumes a significant bit of attention, it won't be revealed before
> the code: part of the distro's publishing policy is to deliver working
> code before a shiny image. Welcome to Issue XIV of the DWN, cooked
> _al dente_ by your interim editor, @hellekin, with the invaluable help
> of @golinux and @joerg_rw.

Thanks hellekin and all DWN contributors,
with this editorial you made my day, i love it :D

As we have such naming and as "where no toy has gone before" is so close
to a citation, can i suggest/hope that we can dedicate Jessie to Leonard


Franco (nextime) Lanza
Lonate Pozzolo (VA) - Italy
web: http://www.nexlab.net

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