:: Re: [Dng] V^DNLC starts to be subsu…
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Skribent: Svante Signell
Dato: 2015-03-03 16:23 -000
Til: dng
Gamle-emner: [Dng] VNC starts to be subsumed by systemd
Emne: Re: [Dng] V^DNLC starts to be subsumed by systemd
On Tue, 2015-03-03 at 18:11 +0100, Tom Collins wrote:
> http://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=15/03/02/1037248
> " VLC Media Player Gains Support For Logging To Systemd's Journal"
> Honestly, I am starting to suspect that userland will need to be
> entirely forked to stay away from systemd. It seems every developer
> these days is infected with a mind virus: from the phoning home that
> todays linux software does (be it the browsers or things like V^DNLC) to
> the acceptance and then reliance on systemd, to the cavilear attitude
> towards security of any kind, today's developers are not the
> trustworthy people of the past. Linux is now where the microsoft world
> was in the 90s, with the same type of persons. ("if you're not doing
> anything wrong" Yes, we may be doing things that you say are wrong,
> guess what we live in different cultures and maybe are mortal enemies)

I assume you mean VLC in your mail at all entries, not VNC, that's
something different :)