Autor: Hendrik Boom Data: 2015-03-02 17:32 -000 A: dng Assumpte: Re: [Dng] No way to use a prepartioned disk?
On Sun, Mar 01, 2015 at 11:26:55PM +0100, Adam Borowski wrote: > On Sun, Mar 01, 2015 at 05:07:10PM -0500, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> > Interesting. I've used the Debian installer before, I think in the
> > time of wheezy, and it worked with existing partitions.
> So does the one in jessie.
> I guess you did something wrong. As long as one partition is marked for
> mounting as /, everything seems to work for me.
I'm starting to suspect my problems are not with the installer, but with
the way the hard drive had been partitioned previously.
I'm going to have to investigate further. I did get to the point wher I
would normally be assigning and creating partitions, but all I got to
choose from were two drives -- the one I wanted to install on and the
installation CD-on-a-USB-stick.
The partitions I had previously created on the target drive were nowhere
to be seen.
My guess now is there was sometthing wrong with the partition table,
preventing it from being recognised. Maybe it's not even there.
I had copied partitions onto it using clonezilla. Perhaps something had
gone wrong there.