:: Re: [Dng] [D OFFLIST ng] Devuan Wee…
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Skribent: Martijn Dekkers
Dato: 2015-02-28 06:39 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [Dng] [D OFFLIST ng] Devuan Weekly News XI

Glad it was not OFFLIST - it shows true colors.

> I'd suggest we not discuss the meaning or connotation of "kickass"
> anymore. The guy who originally had the hissy-fit, Ста Деюс, had been on
> the list one whole day (with three basically non-contributory posts)
> when he decided to go off on the guy who makes our newsletter, for a
> common American idiom comprised of a verb and a noun which is very mild
> language, all things considered. Ста Деюс has no credibility: He gets
> on a list as a newbie, and starts playing policeman. He likes to hear
> himself talk, and he speaks of nothing, even when he's not pitching a
> fit. One nice thing about leaving Debian-User is I left most of the
> people like Ста Деюс behind.

The lack of understanding that other humans from other cultures might have
other measures is astounding and deeply offensive to me.

Five minutes after reading Ста Деюс's hissy fit, I redirected his posts
> to /dev/null. His conflict to tech ratio is just too high for me.

I have neither the time, inclination, or patience for Internet drama. I
will keep it short(ish) and to the point.

This post reminds me why I changed so many years ago from being an Open
Source net-contributor to an Open Source net-consumer. This kind of petty
politicking, offlist clique-forming, and what can in my view only be
described as the backstabbing a new community member that - despite obvious
cultural and linguistical barriers - tries to make some form of
contribution is outright disgusting.

Please keep your unfounded and irrational personal opinions of other people
to yourself - you are calling out a new member for "playing policeman"
whilst doing exactly that. Who handed you the jackboots and baton and put
you on that spot? Moreover, he isn't even playing *policeman* - he is
simply asking the list to keep the discussion civil, which might have come
across as harsh due to his less-than perfect command of the English
language. As this is a free, and supposedly open community, everybody has a
voice, and everybody else has the right to respond (or not) to what is
being communicated. Your ill-advised post and attitude likely pushed away a
new member of the community.

You mention your reasons for leaving Debian-User, whilst engaging in
exactly the same behavior. Ста might well be a productive contributor - all
I have seen from him so far is that he is interested in this project, and
he is simply "kicking the tires" to make sure this is a project he is happy
to invest time and effort into.

ugh :(