ha! it just needs words like "Linux: Strut your stuff" [?]
On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 2:42 PM, Go Linux <golinux@???> wrote:
> On Thu, 2/26/15, Linuxito <admin@???> wrote:
> Subject: Re: [Dng] simple backgrounds
> To: "Anto" <aryanto@???>
> Cc: "dng" <dng@???>
> Date: Thursday, February 26, 2015, 1:03 PM
> > I agree with you. We need identity, and more important, we need a brand.
> >
> > Although I know nothing about marketing, I think a logo it's the most
> important component of a brand. It will help us > > make our distribution
> known by others, it will bring contributions, donations, etc.
> >
> > So I believe choosing a logo, at least a temporary one, it's something
> important.
> >
> >
> --------------------------------------------
> It could be confusing and a market disadvantage if the logo used for the
> alpha doesn't have a resemblance to the one that will finally represent
> Devuan. To date there has been almost no feedback from the VUAs (who will
> make the final decision) on the direction(s) they would prefer. That's
> understandable as they have more important work to do ATM. But without
> their direction, the design team is a bit adrift in still waters. The best
> solution would probably be to use a text identity until the graphics get
> sorted after the alpha is released.
> For the record . . . I submitted a background proposal using a photo taken
> by a friend in Antarctica a few years ago.
> http://www.saynotogmos.org/ss/penguins/trio.png
> Be aware though . . . those are Gentoo penguins!
> golinux
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