:: Re: [Dng] OT: Linux kernel and the …
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Auteur: Nate Bargmann
Datum: 2015-02-20 14:30 -000
Aan: dng
Onderwerp: Re: [Dng] OT: Linux kernel and the force behind it
* On 2015 20 Feb 05:55 -0600, Aldemir Akpinar wrote:
> I would say +1 for everything that is written with this e-mail and above.
> However, there's one thing here,
> there are more people running servers than people running linux on their
> desktops, so IMHO devuan should first focus on the servers.

Focus is fine, but I trust the team when they state Xfce will be the
default DE that they are taking a very pragmatic approach. For one, I
believe there are many more Linux desktop users than we ever know.
Informally, I know of many hobbyists who use Linux as their desktop.
They do not appear on sales numbers anywhere as they are likely
converting a Windows PC to run their Linux desktop. To intentionally
lock these users out would be a grave disservice, IMHO. Hopefully, the
systemd regressions introduced into Xfce will be easy for the team to
revert (actually, I wonder whether the problem is in Xfce upstream or
the way the Debian maintainers built their packages so that without
systemd running as PID 1 the Xcfe power manager becomes a lame duck as
does LightDM).

Dropping Gnome will not be a loss nor will dropping KDE (or whatever
they are calling it these days) from Devuan as these projects pretty
much have a philosophy opposite of that expressed by the Unix
philosophy. IMO, Xfce is more of a loose confederation of programs that
work well together as a "desktop", than an integrated whole. For
example, Thunar and Xfce Terminal run just fine as stand-alone apps
inside a bare OpenBox session, at least on Wheezy.

As a home user of Debian running Xfce and also with a strong hobbyist
interest and advocate for Linux systems, I do not wish to be excluded by
Devuan and, at least for 1.0, that does not appear to be in the plan.

- Nate


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