:: Re: [Dng] Community polls on Devuan…
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Autor: Jaromil
Data: 2015-02-12 09:39 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [Dng] Community polls on Devuan design

hi all

the last community curated DWN expresses enthusiasm for a logo design
which wasn't included in the poll (because absent from the wiki),
however this doesn't means that logo has been choosen. As discussions
followed it was clear that a design group is forming to work together in
the good spirit of cooperation rather than competition.

I recommend the design group to not overlook the results of this poll,
because we should be listening to our community preference and because
people have submitted other valid logos that have been voted up. I'm
sorry to read on IRC that Atari314 left with bitternes thinking that
his/her logo was excluded. It is not so! and in fact that is one of the
first placed logos in the poll.

> A fellow VUA has ...anonymously setup a logo survey here
> https://it.surveymonkey.com/s/PJT8T3Q

FYI, here are the results of the poll after 32 answers:

1- Negative galaxy logos: 24 points

2- Atari314: 18 points

3- Devuan rainbow/swirl: 14 points

4- Devaun logo: 8 points

5- D-spiral text: 6 points

6- Spiral double/two-spike: 6 points

anything else is below those points.
reference: http://without-systemd.org/wiki/index.php/Category:Logo

as of the design group proposal here:

let me express my personal concern about the logo being too close to
that of Debian, something that will likely be turned down by the final
VUA decision. Please consider more logos from the poll!


Jaromil, Dyne.org Free Software Foundry (est. 2000)
We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
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