:: Re: [Dng] Please!! revive Bastille …
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Autor: Usspookes Lovesystemd
Data: 2015-02-11 17:42 -000
Dla: Jack L. Frost
CC: dng
Temat: Re: [Dng] Please!! revive Bastille hardening tool for Devuan - Conflict of Interest
Nothing is completely secure, there is always a way in: computers do
what you tell them to do.
Security exists in layers.
What bastille does is all those basic linux-security setup things that
you may FORGET to do otherwise.

Yes you also have to patch and compile the kernel with grsecurity.
Yes you also have to disable things like firewire in the kernel.
Yes you also have to make sure you're running nothing extranious.

BUT BASTILLE does have a place. It closes the "traditional" unix fuckups.
So you can concentrate on the new security fuckups without getting bitten
because of some basic thing you forgot!

This is BULLSHIT that you fucking faggots say that Bastille is useless because
1) you ALLWAYS remeber to do all the little things it configures.


Guess what, Bastille gets that "general case security solution" slightly closer.
It also educates people as to what options exist on linux and what they do.

Obviously you, ASSHOLE, have never looked at it. You FUCK.


With people like you security, even the smallest amount, is IMPOSSIBLE, because
you REFUSE to package/allow in scripts that do the setup, because you have a
CONFLICT OF INTEREST. You want no one to learn and you want to be hired.

Thus you, in your corrupt way, block things that make security ever so slighthly more
straightforward on Linux. You're making work for yourself. Kinda like systemd
and their consultation services: they cause the problem, now they'll fix it.

I have used bastille as a starting point ever since 2002 or so.
It is a very useful script for running when you first install a Linux system.
(Then I continue to do what else is needed, it is a good base however, this
way you don't forget to do things it does)

You are shitsucking scum in that you won't have Bastille for Devuan. It shows EXACTLY
what you people are: rentseekers. You want your cut for each install (as
security expert) FUCK YOU.

--- fbt@??? wrote:

From: "Jack L. Frost" <fbt@???>
To: Roy Nielsen <amrset@???>
Cc: dng@???
Subject: Re: [Dng] Please!! revive Bastille hardening tool for Devuan
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 21:13:42 +0300

On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 11:10:27AM -0700, Roy Nielsen wrote:
> I don't believe the task is impossible, I'm sure there are people
> working on such a tool and perhaps they will even open source it!
> Regards,
> -Roy

As an industry specialist dealing with security even as a non-infosec guy, I'm
confident in saying that a general case security solution is highly improbable.
But hey, improbable things happen all the time. I have this bridge I'm trying
to sell...

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