Auteur: Brian Hoffman Datum: 2015-02-10 13:49 -000 Aan: System undo crew Onderwerp: Re: [unSYSTEM] Silk Road Trial is starting.
There is a thing called chain of custody here and if it was violated I imagine that Joshua probably would've looked into that as a way to get an acquittal.
> On Feb 10, 2015, at 9:32 AM, Joerg Platzer <joerg@???> wrote:
> Here's a question that I've been wondering why it does not come up in this kind of court case:
> When the government has the power to manipulate the data on everybody's computer (alter, delete, add data) how can data on a computer be taken as proof for something the same government claims?
> (Even leaving the fact aside that said government has an astonishing track record of lying to just about everybody just about everything.)
> ++jp
> Von: unSYSTEM <unsystem-bounces@???> im Auftrag von Alec Spier <alec.spier@???>
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. Februar 2015 11:26
> An: System undo crew
> Betreff: Re: [unSYSTEM] Silk Road Trial is starting.
> Zero physical evidence implies that a persons computer hardware and data forensics is not "physical"
> --
> Sent from my Android phone with Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> Julia Tourianski <juliatourianski@???> wrote:
>> alec... "I don't think that there is a handwritten journal detailing the killimgs."
>> please get your facts straight before participating. there was 0 physical evidence.
>> For the secrets and lies, my PGP key: >>
>>> On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 4:17 PM, Alec Spier <alec.spier@???> wrote:
>>> Excuse me, I don't think that there is a handwritten journal detailing the killimgs. It was om logs in his computer that he detailed. The handwritten notes detailed opening the business , not the killings. My bad. Its conceivable they lied about the murders or falsified the evidence but its also unlikely looking at the fact that blockchain showing the money being sent....
>>> --
>>> Sent from my Android phone with Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
>>> Joerg Platzer <joerg@???> wrote:
>>>> Now have I entirely missed something here or do you guys keep on discussing if it was cool that DPR ordered murders for hire even though he is neither charged with these crimes not to mention found guilty?
>>>> This reminds me of when the whole world discussed if it was ok for Sadam Hussein to have nuclear weapons or not, thus giving credibility to the outright lies of the people who claimed he had them.
>>>> The same government-bag full of liars who claim that DPR wanted to kill by the way.
>>>> ++jp
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> Von: unSYSTEM <unsystem-bounces@???> im Auftrag von Seth <list@???>
>>>> Gesendet: Montag, 9. Februar 2015 06:26
>>>> An: System undo crew
>>>> Betreff: Re: [unSYSTEM] Silk Road Trial is starting.
>>>> On Fri, 06 Feb 2015 21:14:00 -0800, Alec Spier <alec.spier@???>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > What were the terrible choices he had to face?
>>>> >
>>>> > A: Be blackmailed and pay the blackmail, close up shop and leave with
>>>> > deca-deca-millions.
>>>> > Improve security and open another store.
>>>> >
>>>> > B: Pay the blackmail and stay open. Be blackmailed again potentially.
>>>> >
>>>> > C: Tell the guy to fuck off, close shop and leave with your
>>>> > deca-deca-millions.
>>>> >
>>>> > D: Tell the guy to fuck off, keep shop open risk him releasing the
>>>> > customer
>>>> > lists and allow the customers to be responsible for their own actions of
>>>> > giving
>>>> > their addresses and names to anonymous people on the internet.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > F (for FAIL): Have a man whose identity you are not even definitively
>>>> > sure of (considering
>>>> > he didn't end up being existent) murdered...along with anybody else
>>>> > threatening
>>>> > your clientele.
>>>> >
>>>> > Just about every other option could have had him not cross the line and
>>>> > attempt
>>>> > to pay for people to DIE. Sorry but there's not any clear excuse for
>>>> > this action
>>>> > in my eyes, if you can explain one to me I'm willing to listen.
>>>> See the problem here is that it was the blackmailer/snitch who first
>>>> threatened violence, in this case the violence of the state. And it wasn't
>>>> just DPR that was going to be harmed, it was many other innocent people
>>>> that did not aggress against anyone else.
>>>> Sicking the state on someone means threats backed by deadly force. The
>>>> state gunmen threaten and/or inflict increasing levels of aggressive
>>>> violence against a person until they either submit or die. State agents
>>>> call this the 'use of force continuum'.
>>>> In cases where the person on the receiving end of this violence is an
>>>> actual criminal (that is caused real harm to person or property) this is
>>>> not always a bad thing. In every other case it is.
>>>> Get in this cage, or get in this body bag, it's your choice.
>>>> So the snitch really was threatening all kinds of people with deadly
>>>> force, and many of those people were going to have their lives destroyed
>>>> by the state. Some would most likely be raped in prison as a result, which
>>>> one could argue is a fate worse than death.
>>>> Now for an extreme example of the concept: Let's say for the sake of
>>>> argument that you are harboring a bunch of (insert persecuted people) from
>>>> (insert despotic dictator) and his hired killers. Along comes a person who
>>>> says, I'm a little short on cash, unless you provide me 300K USD, I'm
>>>> going to let the dictator know where to find all these people who are
>>>> cowering in your basement.
>>>> If you pay someone to kill the snitch, is that an immoral act?
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