:: Re: [Dng] Towards systemd-free pack…
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Autore: Jude Nelson
Data: 2015-02-08 18:24 -000
To: Jaromil
CC: dng@lists.dyne.org
Oggetto: Re: [Dng] Towards systemd-free packages
Hey Jaromil,

I'm interested in maintaining dbus, but I don't quite understand the
proposed workflow for base packages. It sounds Jenkins will pull the
sources nightly from Debian (not upstream) and try to build Debian packages
from them, but with the Devuan versioning scheme. If so, is there a
standard way to ensure that the correct build flags get set (i.e. to
disable systemd support and remove systemd dependencies)? Is this what the
Devuan SDK is meant to address in a systematic fashion?

Also, it sounds like being a maintainer for a Devuan package that depends
on systemd will be a somewhat different job than maintaining
non-systemd-dependent packages. If the package stops building due to an
added hard-dependency on systemd, the maintainer might be forced to revert
to an old version of the package permanently, keep an increasingly large
patch set to keep systemd dependencies out, or fork the package outright.

This situation sounds a lot like the situation that BSD porters find
themselves in, but on a smaller scale since unlike Devuan maintainers, BSD
porters must compile out all Linux-specific features. I almost wonder if
Devuan maintainers should reach out to them and share code and issues--I
suspect the tasks before us all will be very similar, and forming a good
working relationship with them (and with other non-systemd Linux distros)
could be mutually beneficial. Just my 2 cents.


On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 6:08 AM, Jaromil <jaromil@???> wrote:

> dear Jude,
> On Mon, 02 Feb 2015, Jude Nelson wrote:
> >    Hey everyone,
> >    Is there a list somewhere that has the packages in Jessie that depend
> on
> >    some part of systemd?* I'd like to get the ball rolling on compiling
> out
> >    systemd dependencies for Devuan packages, but I don't want to
> duplicate
> >    anyone's efforts.

> here the current thread on this
> https://git.devuan.org/devuan/devuan-project/issues/6
> Over the weekend I've assessed the first minimal group of packages,
> processed them via the new Devuan SDK and committed them on our
> packages-base git https://git.devuan.org/groups/packages-base
> If you like to adopt maintainance of a package there, please open an
> issue and I'll give you write access. The package-base repos will be
> automatically pulled by our Jenkins, compiled and if succesful put into
> the Devuan package repository, so all the work can be done here.
> About systemd extirpation: the real culprit is bsdutils, aka util-linux,
> that Debian has tied to systemd because of the logger. What a paradox to
> have 'bsdutils' bound to systemd.... however...
> I'm still in an early stage of development and haven't yet completed the
> SDK with functions to test the installer, however this is my current
> approach at cleaning up util-linux, touching as less as possible
> https://git.devuan.org/packages-base/util-linux/commit/a51bce5830336af3c5ec9da6de95af926c1b1609
> Once compiled and installed into a Devuan schroot, it allows to remove
> libsystemd0 and then sysvinit gets installed automatically, without
> warnings about removing a core component.
> I'll let the dust settle now and look at Franco's push on the CI.
> My next steps on the SDK will be update the documentation and work on
> the installer and livecd baking mechanism.
> My guess now is that we'll have i386 and amd64 as available
> architectures for a start and arm will come slightly later.
> ciao
> --
> Jaromil, Dyne.org Free Software Foundry (est. 2000)
> We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
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