hi all,
as the time approaches for an alpha release, wouldn't be bad to have a
design in place for Devuan or perhaps an "beta design" on which to
gather reactions.
We had many logo submissions as one can see here
And even one complete design study by Alban Crommel
http://albancrommer.github.io/devuan/ well inspired by discussions on
this list, still leaving the logo option open.
If anyone here has some spare time we'd appreciate some help setting up
a poll to understand what are the preferred logos by people here. The
poll can be set as an independent website, possibly ads and subscription
free. We can also use a thread on this list, I'm not sure what's best.
The VUAs reserve the right to choose the winner, but really that is just
to make sure things won't go terribly wrong in this selection :^)
My logo favs:
We will award the logo winner with a prize of 100€
We will award the web design as well with a prize of 100€
We will award the desktop design as well with the prize of 100€
There is only one submission for the web design and no submission yet
for the desktop design (XFCE4 based, background, icon set and color set)
Invite your designer friends to participate! :^)
Submissions are still open.
Jaromil, Dyne.org Free Software Foundry (est. 2000)
We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
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