:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Silk Road Trial is s…
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Lähettäjä: Cody R Wilson
Päiväys: 2015-02-06 21:55 -000
Vastaanottaja: System undo crew
Aihe: Re: [unSYSTEM] Silk Road Trial is starting.
How thoroughly armchair.

The openbazaar boys will still hang. Just with more surprised looks on
their faces.
On Feb 6, 2015 4:54 PM, "Adam B. Levine" <adam@???> wrote:

> The terror can only be answered with terror? Are you nuts?
> The problem with the world is disruptive innovation can only happen in
> industries which are allowed to be disrupted. That is, until cryptographic
> tokens busted the hinges off and made it so even if you had the MOST
> disruptive monopoly of all, MONEY, you couldn't actually enforce it any
> more.
> Tokens allow that same unstoppable trait to be applied to anything by
> offloading the transactional and fundamental stuff to a system that can be
> programmed at the start to not change nothing for anybody.
> So the domino has already been knocked, we already have the ability to
> have unstoppable competition in whatever it is needed in but only if we use
> the infrastructures and models to actually create that. If we don't create
> that, it's nothing but potential we've wasted.
> If we use it to create better alternatives than people will pick the
> option that is in their best interest, and cryptotoken solutions for a
> variety of reasons are very much in the best interest of the average person
> because they represent ownership and because they don't have expensive
> identity infrastructures they represent much more efficient systems
> relative to the existing, non-competitive alternatives.
> So.... Have fun with your terror to meet their terror. If you fail you
> can go to work for them since you'll already have the right skill set.
> Adam B. Levine
> Editor-in-Chief
> Let's Talk Bitcoin! <http://www.letstalkbitcoin.com/>
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 2:44 PM, Cody R Wilson <codywilson@???>
> wrote:
>> Adam, I'll put it like this. Many otherwise liberty-minded people have an
>> uncritical acceptance of the Statist paradigm, which goes beyond a
>> principal of objective political power. Our revolutionary imagination is
>> captured in a moral dialectic as well, one that now principally operates as
>> a shield for the technocratic machinery.
>> Let me continue. This isn't the nineteenth century. We don't get to
>> peaceably ignore the cold monster and build out free spheres of action. The
>> five-eyed beast not only lays claim to the political subject's reality, it
>> claims absolute ideological hegemony as well.
>> This terror can only be answered with terror. Not a fat good conscience
>> happily spitting what's "good" and "bad."
>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Adam B. Levine <adam@???>
>> wrote:
>>> Joerg, what is a martyr if not someone who suffers publicly in the
>>> present as a casualty of a battle that should and will be won at some point
>>> in the future, which had it been won now would have negated their present
>>> suffering?
>>> The case sets new standards, yes. What does that have to do with being
>>> a fan of ross? The standards being set are platform based and if anything
>>> Ross has done major damage by being so obviously guilty that the broader
>>> argument about platform responsibility and what it means never even needed
>>> to come up. Our platform among other things enables trading of tokens
>>> between users on the platform in much the same way silk road does, now I
>>> have a rather irritating situation.
>>> Before this case there was no precedent about whether or not I, as the
>>> platform operator, was not necessarily responsible for what my users do
>>> with that and if something did come up we'd go to court and explain how the
>>> tokens being traded represent pre-paid subscriptions and advertisements and
>>> fit within the existing, tax compliant US landscape.
>>> It would be quite difficult to make any real case against the platform
>>> because the platform is enabling things that are a) impossible in the
>>> conventional paradigm without b) violating the rules of the conventional
>>> paradigm.
>>> Now after silk road the precedent is very clear, the platform owner is
>>> responsible for ANYTHING that happens on the platform because... Silk
>>> Road! If I or any other platform operators go to court to fight this it
>>> will be fighting against that existing precedent.
>>> Julia, I don't think we're going to agree on this because you're
>>> supporting the idea and I'm questioning the man.
>>> Juan, if you are blackmailing me and I kill you, that's murder not self
>>> defense. Nobody was coming at Ross with an ax, they were threatening to
>>> expose his illegal business and he wanted to avoid the consequences so much
>>> he was willing to pay someone to kill him, do you not see a difference
>>> between that scenario and "Axeman breaks into your trailer in the night?"
>>> It seems like we're back to one bad act somehow making subsequent bad
>>> acts alright in some sense. You're saying it would have been worse
>>> potentially if he had let whatever happen happen, and yet the outcome for
>>> him is exactly the same except he destroyed his credibility in the process.
>>> Adam B. Levine
>>> Editor-in-Chief
>>> Let's Talk Bitcoin! <http://www.letstalkbitcoin.com/>
>>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 2:16 PM, Joerg Platzer <joerg@???> wrote:
>>>> "As I've said, Ross is a martyr for the drug war if you want to look
>>>> at him like that, ..."
>>>> Nope, he is just the first guy who built a free online market, who
>>>> put it on the table in front of our eyes. As such he will be mentioned in
>>>> history books long before he gets out of prison, if he ever does. However,
>>>> by the time he maybe does, free online markets will be as normal as apple
>>>> pie or we will live in the deepest fascism ever.
>>>> " .... If it was Coinbase getting knocked down for such a thing I
>>>> suspect there would be cheers and yet Ross gets a pass because he's a
>>>> rogue?"
>>>> This case sets new standards, defines things on new territory, create
>>>> new interpretations which will be fallen back to in the future.
>>>> After all, he doesn't go to jail for tax evasion or not having a
>>>> financial services license or for having ripped customers off.
>>>> Regards!
>>>> ++jp
>>>> Adam B. Levine
>>>> Editor-in-Chief
>>>> Let's Talk Bitcoin! <http://www.letstalkbitcoin.com/>
>>>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Charlie 'Charles' Shrem <
>>>> cshrem@???> wrote:
>>>>> I think my point is, fraud, credit card theft, child porn are all
>>>>> very mad crimes with victims that are hurt.
>>>>> They all lead to violence, ect.
>>>>> When it comes to drugs, I believe the gov't should not have a right
>>>>> to tell me what I cannot put into my body. However I believe strong DUI and
>>>>> DWI laws are important. Once I am putting someone else's like in danger, we
>>>>> are going to have problems.
>>>>> Silk Road kept fraud, credit card theft, child porn, ect. off of its
>>>>> listings, and banned anyone who broke those rules.
>>>>> Now ladies and gentleman....I'm afraid the dark net markets have
>>>>> official gone black.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Charlie
>>>>> CharlieShrem.com <http://charlieshrem.com/> | *Please **encrypt
>>>>> messages with my PGP key <http://charlieshrem.com/contact/>*
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 4:46 PM, Julia Tourianski <
>>>>> juliatourianski@???> wrote:
>>>>>> Good interjection Charlie.
>>>>>> We probably got lucky in the fact that the first online black
>>>>>> marketplace was also the most moral. Pity the State shut it down eh?
>>>>>> For the secrets and lies, my PGP key:
>>>>>> https://libbitcoin.dyne.org/julia_tourianski.pgp.asc
>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 4:41 PM, Charlie 'Charles' Shrem <
>>>>>> cshrem@???> wrote:
>>>>>>> I don't mean to but into this debate, but I wanted to point out
>>>>>>> something interesting.
>>>>>>> Taken from Andy's article in Wired "The Dark Web Gets Darker With
>>>>>>> Rise of the ‘Evolution’ Drug Market"
>>>>>>> And Evolution’s popularity has been driven not only by a more
>>>>>>>>> secure and professional operation than its competitors, but also by a more
>>>>>>>>> amoral approach to the cryptomarket than the strict libertarian ethos the
>>>>>>>>> Silk Road preached. Case in point: About 10 percent of Evolution’s products
>>>>>>>>> are stolen credit card numbers and credentials for hacked online accounts.
>>>>>>>>> That development represents an unsavory departure from the Silk
>>>>>>>>> Road’s rule that only “victimless” contraband could be sold through its
>>>>>>>>> anonymous black market—a sign that the traditional cybercriminal
>>>>>>>>> underground sees an opportunity to merge its identity theft business with
>>>>>>>>> the widening online trade in narcotics.
>>>>>>>>> “It’s moved well beyond victimless crime,” says a researcher for
>>>>>>>>> the non-profit Digital Citizens Alliance who closely tracks dark web
>>>>>>>>> markets and asked not to be identified for legal and security reasons. “The
>>>>>>>>> libertarian ideals behind Silk Road were about giving everyone free choice.
>>>>>>>>> Now it’s gone past drugs to fraud. It’s just about making money.”
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Charlie
>>>>>>> CharlieShrem.com <http://charlieshrem.com/> | *Please **encrypt
>>>>>>> messages with my PGP key <http://charlieshrem.com/contact/>*
>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 4:38 PM, Julia Tourianski <
>>>>>>> juliatourianski@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Adam, you sing a song from the high horse of "he should have
>>>>>>>> known better," or "what did you think was going to happen." Most people
>>>>>>>> have been. It's an egotistical position to be frank. Ross created something
>>>>>>>> new. Many people who have strong ideological convictions are not only
>>>>>>>> apathetic to risk, but naive because purpose, not consequence drives them.
>>>>>>>> He created a disruptive platform. It was the first. It was
>>>>>>>> brave because it was irrational. And it did work. It gave birth to many
>>>>>>>> more in its death.
>>>>>>>> Ultimately, the result of that platform was not in
>>>>>>>> his control...which to me is it's inherent beauty. Hero worship or not, the
>>>>>>>> guy is history...unfortunately in every sense of the word.
>>>>>>>> For the secrets and lies, my PGP key:
>>>>>>>> https://libbitcoin.dyne.org/julia_tourianski.pgp.asc
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 4:25 PM, Adam B. Levine <
>>>>>>>> adam@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Cody, you're all about proving the illusion of ability that the
>>>>>>>>> state presents is nonsense and the promises they make are unrepairable.
>>>>>>>>> My gig is creating things, helping people think about new
>>>>>>>>> possibilities that ignore the rather larger and intractable problems that
>>>>>>>>> face us. Your solution is.... What, keep talking? What good is it if you
>>>>>>>>> don't build better platforms
>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/tokenly/Tokenly-Tools-and-Services> that
>>>>>>>>> ignore the current paradigm because it is irrelevant to their functioning?
>>>>>>>>> It sounds like you want to go to war and I just don't get the urge to play
>>>>>>>>> david to goliath when our whole advantage is decentralization and the
>>>>>>>>> ability to move much faster than the centralized opposition.
>>>>>>>>> We all make our choices of how to go about causing change, I
>>>>>>>>> feel pretty good about mine - Did you have any complaints about my
>>>>>>>>> contribution besides not seeing the reason to support Ross given they're
>>>>>>>>> not arguing he's innocent?
>>>>>>>>> Adam B. Levine
>>>>>>>>> Editor-in-Chief
>>>>>>>>> Let's Talk Bitcoin! <http://www.letstalkbitcoin.com/>
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Cody R Wilson <
>>>>>>>>> codywilson@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I'm hopeful about a further controversy on appeal about how the
>>>>>>>>>> Feds collected his server info, and if the FBI's account is impeachable.
>>>>>>>>>> This is interesting and potentially fruitful, Constitutionally. The
>>>>>>>>>> surveillance apparatus abridging the 4A is part of what animates the
>>>>>>>>>> support.
>>>>>>>>>> But to your point, all these "workarounds" ultimately provide you
>>>>>>>>>> with your own convenient evasion. Our fight requires bad subjects, and the
>>>>>>>>>> revaluation of values. If you haven't had to walk into the ethical twilight
>>>>>>>>>> yet, you aren't trying, Adam.
>>>>>>>>>> Ross had the stones to travel as far out as any of us, and to go
>>>>>>>>>> beyond good and evil. I for one am not celebrating him as a martyr. I'm
>>>>>>>>>> celebrating him for *doing* and acting against the moral terror and world
>>>>>>>>>> hegemon.
>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 6, 2015 2:44 PM, "Adam B. Levine" <
>>>>>>>>>> adam@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I don't really consider one murder justifying another murder.
>>>>>>>>>>> Just because people who do wrong go unpunished doesn't mean we should
>>>>>>>>>>> celebrate people who do wrong but are caught and punished. From the
>>>>>>>>>>> evidence I've seen, Ross was someone who did wrong, knew what he was doing
>>>>>>>>>>> and justified it to himself because he morally disagrees with the drug war,
>>>>>>>>>>> although that doesnt have much to do with his willingness to kill. He
>>>>>>>>>>> might have felt justified, he might have been ideologically aligned with
>>>>>>>>>>> yours or my beliefs but he was caught, is guilty and knew the risk going
>>>>>>>>>>> into it. He chose to fight a battle he could not win in a court that
>>>>>>>>>>> wouldn't have let him win even if he didn't do it, which the evidence
>>>>>>>>>>> suggests he did.
>>>>>>>>>>> If anything Ross is an example of why disruptive centralized
>>>>>>>>>>> solutions to political problems won't work. But by all means, lets spend
>>>>>>>>>>> more time with ross hero worship and waxing poetic about how crappy,
>>>>>>>>>>> hypocritical and ineffectual the government is and not acknowledging that
>>>>>>>>>>> the guy makes a pretty lousy hero or martyr. We know the current system
>>>>>>>>>>> sucks. It's really really obvious. That's why we're building
>>>>>>>>>>> infrastructure to work around the problem and connect people directly to
>>>>>>>>>>> conduct commerce that wouldn't otherwise happen. That's the point.
>>>>>>>>>>> People who "Believe" in ulbricht, what exactly do you believe
>>>>>>>>>>> in? Are you totally focused on the "It's a drug market but since its not
>>>>>>>>>>> on the corner it's not violent" feature? I'm really trying to understand
>>>>>>>>>>> the appeal of this guy after the lack of defense.
>>>>>>>>>>> Adam B. Levine
>>>>>>>>>>> Editor-in-Chief
>>>>>>>>>>> Let's Talk Bitcoin! <http://www.letstalkbitcoin.com/>
>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 12:18 PM, Kevin Gallagher <
>>>>>>>>>>> kevin@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> And who ordered the murder of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 02/06/2015 12:08 PM, Devon Read wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Brian
>>>>>>>>>>>> If you're arguing morality, how about considering the whole
>>>>>>>>>>>> thing from a different perspective. First, let's assume we can forgive the
>>>>>>>>>>>> US government for its enormously hypocritical behavior in regard to the war
>>>>>>>>>>>> on drugs (i.e., the significant amount of evidence that the CIA imports and
>>>>>>>>>>>> financially supports drug producers, the positive impact on opium
>>>>>>>>>>>> production that our invasion of Afghanistan had (
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://static.wixstatic.com/media/99909e_2a76c5021bf544879e238e6c6afe3236.png_srz_828_480_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_png_srz),
>>>>>>>>>>>> etc), or the fact that it has really only lead to increased police budgets
>>>>>>>>>>>> and the highest rate of imprisonment in the world (where many low cost
>>>>>>>>>>>> "made in america" products are made by the prisoners, btw, at substantially
>>>>>>>>>>>> below minimum wage rates). The reality is that the trade of "drugs" has
>>>>>>>>>>>> been a part of our history as far back as one can look. Just like it did to
>>>>>>>>>>>> the alcohol trade, the abolition of the drug trade is what made it violent.
>>>>>>>>>>>> What the Silk Road accomplished was to make it a safe and non-violent
>>>>>>>>>>>> process again - whether Ross is DPR or not, and whether or not DPR ever
>>>>>>>>>>>> allegedly ordered the killing of a handful of people to protect a system
>>>>>>>>>>>> that was able to conduct such a large amount of trade without violence
>>>>>>>>>>>> before that point (and with impression of protection from the threat of
>>>>>>>>>>>> state-imposed violence), would you not agree that the Silk Road worked as a
>>>>>>>>>>>> much more civilized mechanism than the current status quo? Wasn't it
>>>>>>>>>>>> working in a far more "moral" way than alternatives?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 11:33 AM, Brian Hoffman <
>>>>>>>>>>>> brian@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 6, 2015, at 2:29 PM, Cody R Wilson <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> codywilson@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> My argument is you've internalized your masters and their
>>>>>>>>>>>>> morality.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 6, 2015 1:25 PM, "Brian Hoffman" <brian@???>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So your argument is drug kingpins gonna kingpin so it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all fair in love and war? I've tried hard to follow your line of argument,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but I will claim ignorance here and move on.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On another note, I thought that he wrote the hells angel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comment in his personal journal. They argued that wasn't him?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 6, 2015, at 2:15 PM, Cody R Wilson <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> codywilson@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey buddy, you're in the wrong line of work if you can't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stomach a militant ethics or name your adversary.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In this case, bourgouis legality and its attendant universals
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are keeping you in check. You, with openbazaar no less.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I expect you'll be singing on the stand, yes?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 6, 2015 1:09 PM, "Brian Hoffman" <brian@???>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So conspiracy to attempt murder is ethical now? I think
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've heard everything. I'll buy that this trial wasn't about him trying to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> murder anyone, but that's a fucking weak argument. I like how you casually
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> place murder in that "protection" bucket.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 6, 2015, at 1:40 PM, Cody R Wilson <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> codywilson@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not only that, it is ethical to protect your suppliers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and customers from ruin when another party threatens them with state
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> violence.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ross' takedown was also necessary because of his ethics.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 6, 2015 12:35 PM, "Adam B. Levine" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adam@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think the point was not that he committed murder or was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accused of committing murder, it was that the defense did not deny that his
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intention was for someone to be murdered and he took steps that he thought
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would lead to that outcome.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you think it is an acceptable behavior to pay someone to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> murder someone else because you think they threaten your illegal business?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adam B. Levine
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Editor-in-Chief
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let's Talk Bitcoin! <http://www.letstalkbitcoin.com/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 7:45 AM, Julia Tourianski <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> juliatourianski@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drug trafficking, conspiracy to drug trafficking, money
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> laundering conspiracy to hack, selling fraudulent identification... and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variations of what I already mentioned. The murder thing was all bullshit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and he was never indicted for it. the fact that people are so hung up on it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even in this mailing list shows how effective of a slander strategy it was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 6, 2015 9:36 AM, "Alicia Cruz" <accruz44@???>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ross didn't actually get charged with murder I thought?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And was convicted on drug trafficking, hacking, and money laundering.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Julia, do you have a full list of what the conviction was?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 11:17 PM, Julia Tourianski <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> juliatourianski@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He was confident because "I have an answer for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unfortunately the defense was not allowed to present
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> half of their evidence , and half of their witnesses were not allowed to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> speak either.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> His fait was sealed before it even started.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 5, 2015 10:17 PM, "Juan S. Galt" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eljuangalt@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've yet to look a the evidence presented at the trial,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> havn't had time. However, the CIA has admitted to false flag operations and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Its hard to argue that it is above them to do such a thing in this case,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particularly given how the Silk Road arguable threatens the status quo in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regards to the war on drugs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, without looking at the evidence, my loyalty is with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ross. However, if those threats were indeed made, and Ross made them, than
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yes, that alone would deserve moral judgment and appropriate social action.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 7:57 PM, Mathias Groennebaek <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mathias@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have I missed something, or did the defence not really
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provide any particular proof of Ross not having ordered the hit on several
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people? And if so, why is it so hard to understand why he has been
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> convicted, when there is an ample amount of proof that he did indeed do so?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From a moral perspective, anyone involved in a murder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should in my honest opinion be convicted of their crimes. The silk road
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trial and a discussion in general about drugs and their legality is a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> separate matter entirely to me.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Juan S. Galt <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eljuangalt@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyone with enough mind to think about it for a few
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minutes knows this trial has been rigged from the start.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "It is important to note that since there is no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> victim to Ross’s alleged illegal activity this court case is not founded on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contract law. And given the 500+ variations of cannabis that was traded on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Silk Road, it’s hard to say it was even anti-democratic with the plant
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being one of the most popular recreational and medicinal drugs, which after
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decades of controversy remains illegal."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cointelegraph.com/news/113393/dread-pirate-roberts-imprisonment-vs-innovation-op-ed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 7:24 PM, Brian Hoffman <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brian@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Touche
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015, at 8:23 PM, Cody R Wilson <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> codywilson@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What's reddit?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015 7:22 PM, "Brian Hoffman" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brian@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Meh it's just fun times. Don't tell me all the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reddit babble has you rattled. I'm just messing with you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015, at 8:18 PM, Cody R Wilson <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> codywilson@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Brian, if I don't know better I'd say you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were being snide.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015 7:10 PM, "Brian Hoffman" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brian@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And he endorses you for Bitcoin Foundation board
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as a result of your support.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015, at 8:04 PM, Cody R Wilson <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> codywilson@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I've said before, I support him because of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what he is accused. Not despite it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015 7:02 PM, "Adam B. Levine" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adam@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does whether or not Ross did what he is being
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accused of and tried for, matter?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adam B. Levine
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Editor-in-Chief
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let's Talk Bitcoin!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.letstalkbitcoin.com/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 3:40 PM, Julia Tourianski
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <juliatourianski@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I watched his father breakdown on the phone with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ross's sister and my world has been frozen since that moment. I cannot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> imagine their pain even after witnessing it. His mother is staying very
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strong, it's not over for her.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One of the jury members was smiling when they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> announced it. I'm so disappointed in the basic nature of the common, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Justice" machine did its job today. ..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015 5:42 PM, "Cody R Wilson" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> codywilson@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Take heart. We knew this part was likely. We
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find the real battle in challenging the US' acquisition of the server info.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can't argue the facts, but we can put them to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proof on the law.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2015 4:40 PM, "Alicia Cruz" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accruz44@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Matt <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> millsdmb@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Guilty on all charges :(:(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 23, 2015 12:49 PM, "Andrew Miller" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> amiller@???> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > um by the way, did anyone notice what is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happening in Puerto Rico with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > the Bitcoin Foundation and that ZeroCash
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> project, which did present at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > the prior FinCrypto, is noticeably ABSENT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from this upcoming one? See:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > http://fc15.ifca.ai (yeah, interesting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> read)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think your point is that because there's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no research paper about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zerocash or an extension being presented at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FC or the bitcoin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> workshop, that it might be being
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> squelched/unwelcome somehow by the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> foundation influence there? That's not the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case... members of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> zerocash team will be there and will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> probably present a development
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> update of some kind at the rump session.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think you're also suggesting that because
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Bitcoin Foundation is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a sponsor of the FC conference that it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corrupted by it's influence.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't think that's the case... it's an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> academic research conference,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a panel of researchers reviews (blindedly)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the papers that anyone can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> submit, and selects the ones that are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> technically best. I haven't seen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any evidence of corruption in this process
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but I'd be happy to answer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any questions you have about it. This
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conference originated during the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first crypto wars, when cryptography was on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the verge becoming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> illegal; kowtowing to anti-privacy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interested would be perverse
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> against its culture. Also there's a session
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the bitcoin workshop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about (improving) Bitcoin privacy.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://fc15.ifca.ai/bitcoin/schedule.html
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mathias Grønnebæk
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem

>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.nethttps://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>> --
>> Sincerely,
>> Cody R. Wilson
>> codywilson@???
>> The University of Texas School of Law
>> Class of 2014
>> _______________________________________________
>> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
>> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
> _______________________________________________
> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem