:: Re: [Dng] Some downgrades may be ne…
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Skribent: Neo Futur
Dato: 2015-02-03 22:58 -000
Til: dng@lists.dyne.org, trinity-users
Emne: Re: [Dng] Some downgrades may be needed e.g. cups Re: Towards systemd-free packages
( being on the two mailing lists I m cross posting on the TDE mailing
list so they know devuan could be interested in supporting TDE . . . )

same here, TDE ( kde3 fork reacting to the unstable kde4 bloat ) :

* have all the features I expect from a modern window manager
* is very stable, even if you customize it changing many configuration options
* have a very good and intuitive customization panel
* is using much less resources than the more recent kde or gnome
* have no plans on depending on systemd ever ( there are a few threads
on the topic on the tde mailing list ) :
"TDE will not intentionally introduce a hard dependency on systemd"

I d also add that I often install linux to new users coming from the
windows environment, the feedback from those users have always been
very bad for kde4 and very good for kde3.

On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 5:12 PM, Dr. Nikolaus Klepp <dr.klepp@???> wrote:
>> Nik, how reasonable would it be to use TDE without KDE apps? Would
>> doing so still yield benefits over and above, let's say, Xfce? Does TDE
>> have any systemd dependencies?
>> Thanks,
>> SteveT
> Oh, I forgot one thing: On TDE you can move windows from desktop to desktop using the pager, just like the FVWM pager.
> Nik
> --
> Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA.
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