:: [Dng] Distribution independent Inst…
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Auteur: Javier Ortega Conde (Malkavian)
Datum: 2015-02-03 21:59 -000
Aan: dng@lists.dyne.org
Onderwerp: [Dng] Distribution independent Installer
Take a look to http://calamares.io/

Could be interesting for the distro installer

        Bye: Javier Ortega Conde (Malkavian)
Member of Go Club of Bilbao (GoBi)        http://gobi.webnode.es
Member of GLUB, Eghost, Itsas, Aske, Guardianes del Túmulo...
Microsoft is to operating systems and security what McDonald's to gourmet
food and healthy nutrition. (Javier Ortega Conde (Malkavian))