:: Re: [Dng] Some downgrades may be ne…
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Szerző: Nikolaus Klepp
Dátum: 2015-02-03 20:27 -000
Címzett: dng
Tárgy: Re: [Dng] Some downgrades may be needed e.g. cups Re: Towards systemd-free packages
Am Dienstag, 3. Februar 2015 schrieb Steve Litt:
> On Tue, 3 Feb 2015 20:15:50 +0100
> Nikolaus Klepp <dr.klepp@???> wrote:
> > Am Dienstag, 3. Februar 2015 schrieb Steve Litt:
> > > On Tue, 03 Feb 2015 16:14:10 +0100
> > > Godefridus Daalmans <frits@???> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > Jude Nelson posted an enormous rdepends list, of what packages
> > > > would need to be changed for Devuan Jessie,but from my own
> > > > experimentation I concluded that it wasn't so bad if we are
> > > > willing to give up on a few other things:
> > > >
> > > > - Give up on GNOME for the moment
> > >
> > > This brings up the point that we should start lobbying "upstreams"
> > > not to depend on systemd. And, of course, dropping Gnome gives us
> > > some credibility in that matter.
> > >
> > > Obviously, "upstreams" won't care what Devuan does, but if others
> > > start following in our footsteps, that's a different story.
> > >
> > > SteveT
> > I think it was said before, but I throw TDE in the bag. Contrary to
> > GNOME it is fast, configurable and consumes by "todays standards"
> > minimal resources.
> >
> > Nik
> Timing is everything. mr_chris on #golug at Freenode was just singing
> the praises of TDE an hour ago. He tells me TDE has no nepomuk, no
> akonadi, and performs relatively well.
> Personnally, I removed every KDE app and library from my computer many
> years ago to Keep from Krashing (tm), but perhaps a certain subset of
> KDE apps and libraries wouldn't crash and hang the computer if run from
> TDE.
> Nik, how reasonable would it be to use TDE without KDE apps? Would
> doing so still yield benefits over and above, let's say, Xfce? Does TDE
> have any systemd dependencies?
> Thanks,
> SteveT

Hi Steve!

When you remove all extra stuff from TDE then you end up with a sytem thats still superior to XFCE. I'll just hilight the things I like most (only the base system, not the extra applications):
- one cental configuriation tool for all aspects of TDE.
- very fine grained configuration
- single mouse click works as one would expect.
- window behaviour configurable from "gerneral" down to "single window class" or "title"
- session manager works (well, firefox does not play nicely, but then, where does it?)
- konqeror simply works (as filemanager, KHTML has not been replaced by webkit but it's WIP when I recall correctly)
- kmail. fast, reliable, and uses maildir (one file per mail), a big plus when it comes to backups and doing neet stuff with mails.
- has a desktop (downside: xsnow does not play nice).
- acessability simply works. (Sticky keys, self releasing keys, ....)
- no nepomuck / zeitgeist.
- all configs cleartext.

I like it so much that I still try to get it working on FreeBSD - currently I'm running FVWM :-)


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