:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Silk Road Trial is s…
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Auteur: Andrew Miller
Datum: 2015-01-23 16:49 -000
Aan: System undo crew
Onderwerp: Re: [unSYSTEM] Silk Road Trial is starting.
> um by the way, did anyone notice what is happening in Puerto Rico with
> the Bitcoin Foundation and that ZeroCash project, which did present at
> the prior FinCrypto, is noticeably ABSENT from this upcoming one? See:
> http://fc15.ifca.ai (yeah, interesting read)

I think your point is that because there's no research paper about
Zerocash or an extension being presented at FC or the bitcoin
workshop, that it might be being squelched/unwelcome somehow by the
foundation influence there? That's not the case... members of the
zerocash team will be there and will probably present a development
update of some kind at the rump session.

I think you're also suggesting that because the Bitcoin Foundation is
a sponsor of the FC conference that it's corrupted by it's influence.
I don't think that's the case... it's an academic research conference,
a panel of researchers reviews (blindedly) the papers that anyone can
submit, and selects the ones that are technically best. I haven't seen
any evidence of corruption in this process but I'd be happy to answer
any questions you have about it. This conference originated during the
first crypto wars, when cryptography was on the verge becoming
illegal; kowtowing to anti-privacy interested would be perverse
against its culture. Also there's a session in the bitcoin workshop
about (improving) Bitcoin privacy.