:: Re: [unSYSTEM] FreedomsPhoenix: "wh…
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Auteur: Amir Taaki
Datum: 2015-01-22 00:20 -000
Aan: unsystem
Onderwerp: Re: [unSYSTEM] FreedomsPhoenix: "what does the membership buy?"

On 01/22/2015 02:05 AM, Johnny Teatent wrote:
> paid wreckers
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 12:32 AM, Amir Taaki <genjix@???
> <mailto:genjix@riseup.net>> wrote:
>     Why can't people understand simple concepts?

>     The organisation represents the interests of its members, not the wider
>     community. (they state this in their minutes)

>     People put up so much money because they want to buy influence.

>     The foundation positions itself as a gatekeeper of the code. To
>     interface with regulators and get big money involved in Bitcoin (touted
>     as "mainstream adoption"), because this is what big corporations who pay
>     expensive memberships want.

>     They will oppose through propaganda and lies either through ignorance or
>     willful deception, attempts to remove their power over Bitcoin
>     development.

>     Maybe it's too abstract, but that's the nature of power...

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