:: Re: [unSYSTEM] oh fuck yes
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Autor: odinn
Data: 2015-01-06 08:40 -000
Dla: unsystem
Temat: Re: [unSYSTEM] oh fuck yes

This is very timely announcement you made, and which appears to have
been discussed at this list somewhat recently, and to be quite honest
I'm very surprised to hear this very restrictive purpose of .io even
though I have an .io .... so here we go with "I should have read the
fine print" but also "it has worked for me so far" caveat added. See


This has to do with http://www.nic.io/rules.html where we see that the
"sexual or pornographic" purpose" or anything "against the statutory
laws of any Nation" is apparently something that is against the .io
rules. It may be in those cases other domains will work out better
(.com, .bit etc etc)

I'll start with my very short tl;dr below:

I've had http://abis.io for a long time. Still have it. Will
continue to have it. (It redirects to my project's github site, which
reflects my github repository, which is subject to terms which state
in part, "You must not, in the use of the Service, violate any laws in
your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright or trademark
laws)." Of course, every github user has known about that for some
time, right? And so in the event someone decides to do malicious
things to github users (here insert China, India, etc.) we take care
of our stuff. It is updated. We water and feed it. We have backups
at other locations and don't tell you about it or where those backups
are, just in case someone might decide take down repositories for
personal reasons. It's unlikely - but you never know, it could
happen. Etc. Moving right along...

The http://abis.io project has to do with cryptocurrency. Which has
been "illegal" in the eyes of Vietnam, Russia (on and off, mostly on),
Iceland (I think), China (depending on who you ask, but firmly
regulated), NY (fascist dictatorship), North Korea (NK and NY are
about the same - those who are struggling to use bitcoin in NY are a
little bit like the French Resistance, seriously, so if you are in NY
and using bitcoin and huddling trying to avoid Cuomo and his minions,
here's to you, keep up the battle!) Anyway, those are a few "nations."
But, and again, but: I've never had http://abis.io suspended or taken
away or anything because of "a violation of the laws of any nation."
Even though, I suspect, some of the content of http://abis.io (which
is crypto oriented!) may have violated _some_ nation's laws - how
could it not? There are literally billions of laws on the books of
each "nation." so you're bound to break _some_ of them at least _some_
of the time. Try stepping outdoors sometime... Bam! You're a criminal.
But my concern is now with the issue of "sexual and pornographic"
becuase, that is the next phase of the project. That gets beyond the
tl;dr. And for some reason, sexual issues tend to bother (some)
people more than crypto itself. Well, over the "abis" I go.


As you can see from my signature my project is http://abis.io (note
that it currently redirects to my github page for the project). A
colleague of mine and I jointly managed this page until recently, the
page is now being transferred to me and it will still redirect to the
github page, but it will soon be managed via gandi.net (which I have
chosen for the renew / transfer etc). EFF tends to recommend gandi
and I've used gandi in the past to donate a domain to EFF, and I found
the process mostly painless. So am using it again now.

In some countries of the world, which I tend to refer to as
"corporation-states," but which many people refer to as "nations," and
to which this page refers to as Nation(s) at
http://www.nic.io/rules.html we see that the "sexual or pornographic"
purpose" or anything "against the statutory laws of any Nation" is
restricted. In many places that would cover things like protesting,
walking, sitting (today in a coastal town in CA I saw a cop chase
people with a billy club because it is considered illegal in some
places to sit down there) and in Carmel, it is against the law to walk
around in high heels - unless, of course, you have a permit:

So: tl;dr ~ Apparently it's "ok" for someone acting under "color of
law" (odd how those phrases work) to beat someone to death for being
poor or black or (there's a fairly long list here actually), or chase
someone down the street because they want to sit down on a sidewalk,
or shut down a website because someone wants to express themself
sexually. But this is not surprising or anything. Just getting it
out there. Totally not news to anyone who reads on this list.
Already too many words here. The meaning of this, though: How is it
again that we got here? What is this organization, this "color of
law?" What is the long, awful arc that caused us to migrate into
tendencies of control (perhaps, "control oceans") that we now so often
find ourselves in, analysing and migrating about as we muddle and flop
about in as we search for logical waypoints and meaningful shores?

At any rate, In the case of my project we examine cryptocurrency
related issues. In many "countries," cryptocurrency use is either
highly regulated or just outright "illegal." I don't care who uses it
where, though, and I don't promote regulated use of it at
http://abis.io - I just observe that it occurs and that it we are
indeed still in a world where there remain:
- - mostly unregulated systems of economy as the majority of economic
systems (the system d which already exists, is arguably already the
dominant part of the world's economy and will continue growing in such
a manner)
- - the apparent regulation system and regulated economic system (more
of a surficial effect but it is what people see and interface with
quite a bit still ~ as the regulatory effect ripples out there are,
however, deep and profound ripple effects)
- - "gubmint" (corporation-states - as these change in nature, it is
quite possible that parts of them may diminish, others may grown, and
ultimately decentralize as the human side of "corporation-states"
migrate to other endeavors - consider ethereum-ish models, for example)
Admittedly simplistic overview but there it is.

So, how can we connect and promote giving / microgiving in very
creative ways that allow users to define / redefine what the very
nature of transaction is? Here I step literally to examining the
natural effect of the interaction of the "birds and the bees" so to
speak and what the bees are doing as they share pollen amongst flowers
as they also take some for themselves, while performing a larger
microgiving process that allows a whole ecosystem to survive.

Note: see a map of regulated vs. less or non-regulated uses of crypto
at http://bitlegal.io/ (NOTE ALSO THAT THE SITE IS A .io DOMAIN SO,

Back to those bees and the spreading about of pollen, microgiving,
natural sexuality, and http://abis.io

Finally, I'm getting ready to (together with some much needed helpers)
develop something very unusual, relating to http://abis.io which will
in fact, be a project that would be sexual, and would also directly
result in giving (microgiving). So I see that http://abis.io will be
the basic page but there will be another page which will not be an
.io, where the other stuff "sexual" etc. will have to reside (e.g. on
a .com or something), as I don't want http://abis.io to get complaints
or get shut down.

With a bit of time and hopefully less people squirming about in
anguish about laws, perhaps people can take some time to loosen up,
explore themselves a bit, and... give.

Ciao for now

Robert Jakob:
> .io domains may not be used "for any purpose that is sexual or
> pornographic or that is against the statutory laws of any Nation".
> Breaching this requirement "NIC.IO reserves the right to
> immediately deactivate the offending registration".
> On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 2:36 AM, Troy Benjegerdes <hozer@???>
> wrote:
>> I can only hope it's some anarchist-tendencies folks who got
>> cushy jobs at the NSA and convinced their bosses it would give
>> 'the agency' an advantage over other agencies.
>> All it takes is a 1% population of do-gooders inside the
>> organization to incentivize the 5% psychopath population to do
>> .... interesting things ....
>> (also re the psychopath conversation earlier, drop the label if
>> you like, and think of it as designing a system where bad
>> behavior results in good things happening)
>> On Thu, Dec 25, 2014 at 12:51:30PM -0500, Tim Patrick wrote:
>>> Who are the people behind this interesting project? I've heard
>>> some say assange is, is that true?
>>> On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 6:44 PM, Robert Jakob
>>> <rsjakob@???> wrote:
>>>> It is interesting and I'm interested in watching it unfold.
>>>> You could also think about adding in a bounty feature. Like
>>>> a journalist gets information about a company laundering drug
>>>> money, but they have no
>> proof.
>>>> The journalist provides enough information to get the hackers
>>>> started. They post the bounty, the community crowd-funds it,
>>>> the hackers go to work. If they can get the proof, they
>>>> collect the bounty or it will incentivize whistle blowers.
>>>> Either way, you guys should go to a
>> country
>>>> that won't extradite you, because this is potentially even
>>>> more provocative than Silk Road. Hackers and whistle blowers
>>>> get more jails
>> time
>>>> than murders and rapists.
>>>> On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Caleb James DeLisle
>>>> <cjd@???>
>> wrote:
>>>>> I think you misread it, the statement is "people are bad so
>>>>> if we wave some greenbacks in their faces, they're gonna
>>>>> leak like a
>> motherfucker"
>>>>> Anyway the organizations which have the most psychopaths
>>>>> are also the funniest when they leak
>>>>> On 12/24/2014 11:52 PM, snakecharmr wrote:
>>>>>> "5% of the general population are psychopaths"
>>>>>> This reeks of the authoritarian christian ethic that we
>>>>>> need
>> government
>>>>> because people are bad. A story that tells how humans are
>>>>> evil
>> because of
>>>>> "original sin" or "psychopathy" or "ecological destruction"
>>>>> can
>> easily be
>>>>> used as a justification for killing or abusing humans. Have
>>>>> you ever
>> met a
>>>>> fundamentalist that hates people because of sin?
>>>>>> Don't get me wrong, I know there is such a thing as
>>>>>> psychopathy, but
>>>>> physiologically it generally corresponds to a fucked up
>>>>> oxytocin
>> system
>>>>> (usually related to childhood malnourishment/abuse) and
>>>>> using
>> psychopathy
>>>>> as a excuse to control people sounds psychopathic to me.
>>>>>> Ever heard of this scam? It's called a protection racket.
>>>>>> It goes
>> like
>>>>> this: Joe and Moe work together, but act like they don't.
>>>>> Joe comes
>> and
>>>>> threatens to hurt you if you don't give him money. Moe
>>>>> comes by and
>> says
>>>>> "Watch out for this Joe guy, he's a real crook. Gimme some
>>>>> money and
>> I'll
>>>>> keep him off your back". Then you pay one or the other and
>>>>> they both
>> run
>>>>> off and share the funds...Long story short, the people who
>>>>> are trying
>> to
>>>>> protect you from psychopaths might themselves be
>>>>> psychopaths. They
>> can even
>>>>> feed your ego to help you believe their lies "You're a good
>>>>> person,
>> but
>>>>> there's loooots of bad people out there"...
>>>>>> As far as preventing double sale of information, that's
>>>>>> basically
>> the
>>>>> insoluble problem with digital rights management:
>>>>> information is replicable. If you pay $1M to keep someone's
>>>>> mouth shut and you don't
>> know
>>>>> who/where they are, there's no incentive for them not to
>>>>> release it,
>> sell
>>>>> it to someone else or just extort you again for it.
>>>>>> I don't know if this slur thing is a good idea or not,
>>>>>> but I don't
>> buy
>>>>> into the "people are bad so don't empower them" story.
>>>>>> On Dec 24, 2014, at 2:30 PM, Caleb James DeLisle
>>>>>> <cjd@???>
>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Nothing, that's the brilliance of it. If goldman's can
>>>>>>> out-bid
>> anyone
>>>>>>> else then it's not leaking, just extortion. Goldman's
>>>>>>> keeps a
>> secret
>>>>> but
>>>>>>> they have to pay their own money to the release crew.
>>>>>>> What is a good question is if they get hit again by
>>>>>>> another crew,
>> can
>>>>>>> they claim that the first crew went back on their
>>>>>>> promise? Maybe it
>>>>> will
>>>>>>> iron itself out as a plain extortion racket but the
>>>>>>> optimum size
>> of a
>>>>> crew
>>>>>>> will never be that large so when they scale up, they
>>>>>>> become weak
>> and
>>>>>>> vulnerable.
>>>>>>> On 12/24/2014 11:12 PM, Robert Jakob wrote:
>>>>>>>> Oh ok. I get it. So they build reputations for
>>>>>>>> releasing valuable information and people contribute
>>>>>>>> towards the group for each
>> hack? I
>>>>> may
>>>>>>>> have missed it but will you have a user rating system
>>>>>>>> or how does
>> that
>>>>>>>> work? What's stopping say, Goldman Sachs from buying
>>>>>>>> back their
>> own
>>>>>>>> information? Because you said the same information
>>>>>>>> can't be sold
>>>>> twice.
>>>>>>>> On Dec 24, 2014 3:07 PM, "Caleb James DeLisle"
>>>>>>>> <cjd@???>
>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Lone wolves will be the exception, the rule will be
>>>>>>>>> highly
>>>>> disciplined
>>>>>>>>> highly regulated "release groups". Imagine lulzsec
>>>>>>>>> but with intelligence
>>>>> agency
>>>>>>>>> level financing. These groups will have the
>>>>>>>>> promotion capability to
>> inform
>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> world about the presence of information and garner
>>>>>>>>> the funding support. Individual leakers will need
>>>>>>>>> to approach a release group for distribution
>>>>> otherwise
>>>>>>>>> they will not be taken seriously.
>>>>>>>>> On 12/24/2014 09:43 PM, Robert Jakob wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I like the idea, but how do you know the
>>>>>>>>>> information has any
>> value?
>>>>>>>>>> Also, how do you prevent people from reselling
>>>>>>>>>> information? On Dec 24, 2014 1:32 PM, "Caleb
>>>>>>>>>> James DeLisle" <cjd@???>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> `` Its estimated that 5% of the general
>>>>>>>>>>> population are
>> psychopaths.
>>>>>>>>>>> Introducing financial incentive in an anonymous
>>>>>>>>>>> framework will
>>>>> produce a
>>>>>>>>>>> greater yield of leaked information than from
>>>>>>>>>>> say the ideology
>> that
>>>>>>>>> drove
>>>>>>>>>>> patriots like Edward Snowden. For every
>>>>>>>>>>> idealist willing to
>>>>> selflessly
>>>>>>>>>>> sacrifice their freedom, assets and even risk
>>>>>>>>>>> their lives for a
>>>>> greater
>>>>>>>>>>> good, there are 1000 psychopaths willing to
>>>>>>>>>>> anonymously sell
>> out
>>>>> their
>>>>>>>>>>> peers for material gain. ''
>>>>>>>>>>> Capitalist self-annihilation by the vampire
>>>>>>>>>>> zombie of Ayn Rand.
>>>>>>>>>>> http://slur.io/
>>>>>>>>>>> brb making popcorn
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- --
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Troy Benjegerdes                 'da hozer'

>> hozer@??? 7 elements
>> earth::water::air::fire::mind::spirit::soul grid.coop
>> Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel, nor
>> try buy a hacker who makes money by the megahash
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> _______________________________________________ unSYSTEM mailing
> list: http://unsystem.net
> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem

- --
http://abis.io ~
"a protocol concept to enable decentralization
and expansion of a giving economy, and a new social good"