:: Re: [Dng] Wheezy
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Autor: t.j.duchene
Datum: 2015-01-05 20:00 -000
To: fr33domlover
CC: dng@lists.dyne.org
Betreff: Re: [Dng] Wheezy

>IIRC, Wheezy is known to have systemd packages but they aren't (or shouldn't
>be?) installed by default, probably as an early preparation for full systemd in

Yes, I know.

As I’ve said before I have no problem with systemd, except on mission critical servers. My concern is that Debian is backporting code to the Wheezy release that they shouldn’t be installing by default. It installed system-logind0 without asking, even though it was using System 5. I felt that that was unusual and decided to ask if anyone else had seen similar things, since I do not recall previous versions of Debian 7 having done so - being entirely “systemd free” unless you chose to replace sysvinit.