:: Re: [Dng] Release roadmap
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Auteur: Adam Borowski
Date: 2015-01-05 00:52 -000
À: dng
Sujet: Re: [Dng] Release roadmap
On Sun, Jan 04, 2015 at 09:52:18PM +0200, Dima Krasner wrote:
> Yes, when built against systemd, both GDM and LightDM depend on it quite
> heavily, both directly and via stuff like AccountsService, D-Bus,
> gnome-session, gnome-shell and whatever. Just take a look at the code -
> lots of LOGIND_RUNNING() all over. It's extremely hard to isolate crashes
> in GDM itself because of this.

But what stops you from building gdm and lightdm without systemd? On my
home box, lightdm rebuilt against consolekit works flawlessly, and as gdm
supports non-linux, I assume it should work too. Do you want me to test?

We'll probably need something for jessie+1, but for now, it's as simple as
a few simple changes to debian/control and debian/rules.

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