:: Re: [Dng] HNY
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Συντάκτης: Jaromil
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [Dng] HNY
On Thu, 01 Jan 2015, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult wrote:

> On 01.01.2015 12:47, Lev wrote:
> > Happy 2015 for all (INIT) Freedom lovers!
> >
> > Long live Devuan!
> dito

allright: look around, we are definitely there to stay!
great to have this diverse and crafty group of people rounding up.

just please be patient as things are adjusting and the environment we
share will get better and better. everyone busy on Devuan right now is
focusing very much on delivering something ASAP (we do need to match
substance with the great attention this project is getting) plus in the
next few days we will open more channels for interaction.

It will take a few more months for Devuan to become a full fledged
distro and I'm sure those who have experience of such things understand
why and what.

the 2014 is the year of birth of Devuan and now 2015 will be the year of
acceleration for the project. starting from the very first days! as I
understand Nextime is pushing through the very last bits of his new
year's hacking session to get a ISO and minimal set of packages up &
running for everyone to try. So rest assured silence does not mean

Happy new Gregorian year and happy hacking everyone! this is the time
for experimentation and for architecture and design decisions to be put
forward and to be challenged.

> > 73!

p.s. interesting enough , the more I go around "fixing friends
computers" during vacation (you know the old blues of the computer
dudes) and the more I meet situations in which systemd and related stuff
are the problem and substituting GNOME3 to something else is the
solution. Perhaps this project is not just driven by geeky needs,
perhaps a lot of desktop users who are right now into Debian and Ubuntu
will badly need to start walking this route. Perhaps Devuan is the right
thing to do right now, perhaps it could have even been done a couple
years earlier...
however now, looking forward to install Devuan 1.0 in 2015.


Jaromil, Dyne.org Free Software Foundry (est. 2000)
We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
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