:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Foundation Disband
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Autor: Cody R Wilson
Data: 2014-12-27 06:59 -000
Para: System undo crew
Assunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Foundation Disband
The goal is modest. Winding up a little corporation isn't too steep a hill.

But this ENDLESS talk of value! Is there anything else???
On Dec 27, 2014 12:55 AM, "Brian Hoffman" <brian@???> wrote:

> It would be one thing if you movement had momentum but I don't see anyone
> joining the cause. We aren't all for federal regulation but I don't see
> anyone elE torching down the existing colonnade. We can all consult a
> thesaurus and write big words. What's your point? Your revolution is weak.
> Where are your followers? Demonstrate some value instead of your silly
> vaudeville acts.
> On Dec 27, 2014, at 12:18 AM, Tim Patrick <judoman589@???> wrote:
> I'll be honest here, it was a bit hard to follow what you were writing
> about. it's almost like you're speaking in riddles or something. also, I
> must say, you remind me of Russel Brand, they way Russel talks and writes
> about things is very similar to you. You're like the right wing version of
> Russel Brand.
> On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 6:01 PM, Matt <millsdmb@???> wrote:
>> but the children... affected by drugs
>> /s
>> On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 5:33 PM, Dave Hollis <noagendamarket@???>
>> wrote:
>>> Charlie is spending more time in jail for using bitcoin than Dick Cheney
>>> for torture.
>>> On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 7:17 PM, Cody R Wilson <codywilson@???>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Been running sorties against the BTC Foundation as of late.
>>>> Thought you might get a kick out of a post I just made on the blog:
>>>> https://disband.it/218/arcanum-imperii/
>>>> --
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Cody R. Wilson
>>>> codywilson@???
>>>> The University of Texas School of Law
>>>> Class of 2014
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