:: Re: [Dng] configuration management
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Autor: Christoph Lechleitner
Data: 2014-12-25 19:29 -000
Para: Hendrik Boom, dng
Assunto: Re: [Dng] configuration management
Am 25. Dezember 2014 18:54:54 MEZ, schrieb Hendrik Boom <hendrik@???>:
>On installation, the configuration files (in /etc, of course; are there
>others?) should all be checked into a revision management system, with
>vendor branch (the upstream versions from devuan) and a local branch
>(the versions as adated to local requirrements). Every time an upgrade
>makes changes, the appropriate merges should take place. If changes
>are too radical, the merge will fail, and manual intervantion should be
>mandatory. Deferring the merge resolution whould be possible -- the
>revision management system will hold all the details.
>Doing this will maximize transparency whe things get complicated, and
>leaves the sysadmin the opportunity to back out of configuration
>manually or make other necessary changes.
>-- hendrik
>Dng mailing list

I love this idea!

Makes me see possible benefits of a new packaging/configuration system.

So let's add another idea: Portability to other OSs, like Windows, MacOS, evtl. even Android, ... ;-)
I know, we want to keep our Linux machines free from systemd in part because it introduces some things we dislike Windows for.
But I guess at least some of us administrate Windows and/or Mac machines too, and/or (as in our case) have to build and package free and non-free software for Windows.
Of course such ports have the lowest priority, but porting/crosscompiling/... is often easier when it's considered as long term goal from the beginning.

Regards, Christoph

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