:: Re: [Dng] sugestion apulse as pulse…
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Autor: Adam Borowski
Data: 2014-12-24 18:37 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [Dng] sugestion apulse as pulseaudio replcement
On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 12:26:10PM -0500, Jude Nelson wrote:
> +1 for apulse. It's proven stable enough for Skype calls in my (limited)
> experience with it, which is the only reason I would have had for
> installing PulseAudio (ideally I'd avoid Skype altogether, but it's
> required for $DAYJOB).

Sadly, it's unmaintained and no longer developed.

According to the author, it's supposed to be an one-trick-pony, specifically
for Skype voice calls and nothing else.

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