:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Article about rise o…
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Szerző: TecZ
Dátum: 2014-12-22 07:49 -000
Címzett: System undo crew
Tárgy: Re: [unSYSTEM] Article about rise of libertarianism in the UK
Is it really about money?

Serious question...

If the central bankers can create trillions at will then is money really their motivation ? Or just a tool they use to motivate the greed of corporations, middle management and survival instinct of the peseantry?

If the central bankers don't value money then why do they do what they do? Fear? Greed? Greed for what? Why do they want so much control? To calm their fear???

Then we are just back at the beginning of their psycho mind trip. If they are making plans over the course of 100 years then they are motivated by far deeper things...

Those of us that keep babbling on about money and corporations have zero hope of ever getting to the bottom of the problem here. We need to acknowledge that this is a spiritual battle...

Lets all go and do some REAL research about history and keep the 180 degree rule in mind, else we will fritter away the chance bitcoin is giving us to affect real change. Hoping this reaches at least ONE person who can read between the lines....


> On Dec 21, 2014, at 11:26 PM, snakecharmr <snakecharmr1024@???> wrote:
> Everybody wants freedom for themselves. Tyrants aren't willing to give freedom to others, usually because they are terrified of everyone (thinking of Stalin's paranoia).
> I think turning up the resolution beyond "rich vs poor" will demonstrate more complex strategies at work here. When governments propose "taxing the rich", it's usually the 0.0001% who actually write the laws (not necessarily gov) asking the bottom 80% to support putting obstacles up to block the top 10% (the controller's competitors) from actually overtaking them. So "taxing the rich" doesn't tax all the rich, because the people who write the laws always put loopholes in for them and their friends.
> If the money supply is fair, not rigged, then the only way the super wealthy can cash in on their wealth is by giving it to others in exchange for goods. Then they have less wealth and the only way for them to get it back is to do things for other people. If they never do things for other people, then they go bankrupt after a while.
> Money is just supposed to encode how much you've contributed to the economy minus how much you've taken. It's not perfect, and the fiat system skews it beyond recognition, but that's the idea of money. It's just memory.
>> On Dec 21, 2014, at 6:16 AM, lalu <lalu@???> wrote:
>> I don't think the number of rules is the problem, more so the common belief that the pile of $ they sit on is worth something ...
>> Once this change, we can start building a world in which we measure success not only by reading GDP charts.
>> Long road ahead though !
>>> On 20. 12. 14 20:45, ben wrote:
>>> Are we to think that lower taxes on the rich is going to make them
>>> give to the poor of their free will now? I just dont think that giving
>>> have ever been a strong tendency for the rich, and I dont see how that
>>> will make the wealthgap shrink?
>>> Im for less regulations by all means, but can somebody enlighten me on
>>> how giving the people that already are fucking up the world with
>>> corporations running amok less rules is going to fix this?
>>> 2014-12-19 18:52 GMT+01.00, Amir Taaki <genjix@???>:
>>>> http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/rise-new-libertarians-meet-britains-next-political-generation-1469233
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