Why is it we never turn out the lights
(or social media)
What if, for solstice, we turned off the power grid,
and everything that ran on it
Do not go gentle into that dark night
Rage, Rage against the dying of the light
But on this solstice night,
Ask yourself Is this still Right?
that we rage against the Darkness of the Night
and in our rage to bring the light
we brought forth lanterns, burning, shining into the night
and slaughtered great whales, oblivious to their plight
and burn the earth, to light our towns
And launch great vessels, 10,000 miles above the ground
>From this vantage where before us, no life has ever been we see 10,000 cities shining now and again
and dark black between the stars calls out to be lit by life once then
But here on the solstice, we must remember
Darkness, now and again
and rage against the light
And remember to go gentle with Darkness,
in the cold, dark night
December 21, 2014, a farmer about to turn out the lights