:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Article about rise o…
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Autor: lalu
Data: 2014-12-21 13:16 -000
Dla: unsystem
Temat: Re: [unSYSTEM] Article about rise of libertarianism in the UK
I don't think the number of rules is the problem, more so the common
belief that the pile of $ they sit on is worth something ...

Once this change, we can start building a world in which we measure
success not only by reading GDP charts.

Long road ahead though !

On 20. 12. 14 20:45, ben wrote:
> Are we to think that lower taxes on the rich is going to make them
> give to the poor of their free will now? I just dont think that giving
> have ever been a strong tendency for the rich, and I dont see how that
> will make the wealthgap shrink?
> Im for less regulations by all means, but can somebody enlighten me on
> how giving the people that already are fucking up the world with
> corporations running amok less rules is going to fix this?
> 2014-12-19 18:52 GMT+01.00, Amir Taaki <genjix@???>:
>> http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/rise-new-libertarians-meet-britains-next-political-generation-1469233
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