:: Re: [unSYSTEM] FWD from IRC: most o…
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Autor: Christopher Franko
Datum: 2014-12-20 11:43 -000
To: System undo crew
Betreff: Re: [unSYSTEM] FWD from IRC: most of detainees imprisoned
First step is first, now that they got their foot in the door whats next,
book burnings and people wearing stars?

On 19 December 2014 at 23:53, caedes <caedes@???> wrote:

> More links with news about this:
> http://www.naiz.eus/eu/actualidad/noticia/20141218/la-an-envia-a-prision-a-siete-de-los-detenidos-en-la-operacion-pandora-y-les-acusa-de-ataques-que-no-menciona
> http://www.elperiodico.com/es/noticias/sociedad/prision-para-los-detenidos-operacion-pandora-3784221
> http://www.eldiario.es/politica/Prision-detenidos-Pandora-atentados-artefactos_0_336317428.html
> http://www.nodo50.org/cna/?p=3252
> http://politica.elpais.com/politica/2014/12/18/actualidad/1418928458_391774.html
> http://es.contrainfo.espiv.net/2014/12/19/estado-espanol-acerca-de-la-operacion-pandora/
> http://arainfo.org/2014/12/el-juez-gomez-bermudez-envia-a-prision-a-siete-de-las-personas-detenidas-en-catalunya-en-la-operacion-pandora/
> The book they are "accused" of reading is called "Contra la Democracia"
> (against democracy):
> http://gci-icg.org/books/Promo_ContraLaDemocracia.pdf
> (that's just a promo)
> Haven't seen any reasoning as to why Kasa de la Muntanya was raided
> since no arrests where done there... (stronger support for opportunity
> raid theory)
> Regarding the people sent to jail... evidence seems to be mostly missing
> and yes they are talking about they where using riseup, or having copies
> of that book. One of the sources says one of them was found street
> fighting gear, knives and golf balls (el pais). Strangely El Pais seems
> to provide much more information than other papers but they're still not
> providing much more than narrative... for those not in the knows most of
> the sources up there are counterinfo but some are more "mainstream"
> specially El Pais (used to be serious, but nowadays mostly government
> voice) and elperiodico (i believe this is more serious).
> Also, some of the sources mention this comes from some other raid from
> time ago on two people that where accused of planting a bomb in
> Zaragoza. Now they have used whatever they got then to lead on choosing
> a few more targets, going for these 11 citizens, kasa de la muntanya and
> other anarchist social centers. To me it looks like the "authorities"
> are just looking for more deniable leads to follow for more attacks.
> Also funny coincidences, on the same day the former president of
> Catalunya (Jordi Pujol) was officially accussed of corruption (too much
> money in Andorra), and also the Catalonian National Audience was set on
> fire (that points to proof destruction).
> Kisses!
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