Szerző: Hendrik Boom Dátum: 2014-12-19 11:40 -000 Címzett: dng Tárgy: Re: [Dng] logo based subtly on a real galaxy.
On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 08:23:21PM -0800, Go Linux wrote: > On Thu, 12/18/14, Hendrik Boom <hendrik@???> wrote:
> Subject: [Dng] logo based subtly on a real galaxy.
> To: dng@???
> Date: Thursday, December 18, 2014, 10:06 PM
> > Let's do somethng subtle.
> >
> > Pick a nice spiral galaxy. Perhaps even our own. For other galaxies
> > there are nice photos. For ours we'd have to rely on astronomers'
> > calculations instead.
> > Draw a semistylized version of it, with a fair amount of the
> > commplexity.
> > We end up with something vaguely remniscent of the Debian spiral, but
> > utterly different. Something more rich and intricate. Something with
> > multiple spiral arms, indicating our freedom of choice.
> -- hendrik
> --------------------------------------------
> I actually thought about that. Would make sense if we go with a
> theme of astronomical names and I'd be happy if someone could pull it
> off. But my experience is that logos (and favicons) do best when
> they
> are not 'subtle' and 'intricate' ie. not too many colors, a simple
> pattern and well-defined edges. Just my .02.
Exactly why I suggested a semistylized drawing instead of the original
I'm not a visual artist. But I can see if I can inkscape something