:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Odinn personal probl…
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Autor: Caleb James DeLisle
A: System undo crew
Asunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Odinn personal problems
unSystem can't even organize help for one of it's own, good luck with your revolution lol

On 12/19/2014 07:28 AM, odinn wrote:
> Hello, thanks for the questions.
> caedes:
>> On 18/12/14 23:05, odinn wrote:
>>> Cheers, consider your questions carefully, feel free to send any
>>> you like, and I will answer all of them.
>> Ok...
>> 1. Why have you hijacked the subject of our issue when this is not
>> related at all? You titled... cibersquatting recovery... what is
>> the relation.
> a) I'm not sure hijacking is best term here. But really I won't judge
> the terms you choose to use here.
> b) I wasn't thinking too clearly about it and just simply appended it
> to a previously existing thread. I probably should have just created
> a new thread. I wasn't aware there was a hard and fast rule for
> thread appending and building vs. not. On the other hand I should
> have been more thoughtful and been aware you were going through some
> stresses of your own? But my back was kind of hurting and I was just
> relating my condition. My apologies.
> c) cibersquatting recovery... I chose this term for two reasons...
> (1) is that I sort of assumed that the Muntanya (sorry if spelling is
> not on point) is itself going to rebuild and recover,
> (2) whereas at the same time I was hoping to do a one-year
> anniversary release of http://abis.io on December 3, 2014 (but wasn't
> able to because of my seizure, PTSDish stuff, back injury and more)
> and so... I've had to defer what was going to be (new commits for the
> ABIS project) - I don't read news much, my primary news sources are
> what I see from lists like this. I rarely read msm. Sometimes I see
> something on these lists or create content for the lists or for
> twitter (or see it on the same) and help make something newsish along
> with others.
> (bigger picture and maybe 3) So anyway: cibersquatting recovery? I
> contemplated that cibersquatting recovery was something that you were
> going through and I was going through. If you want to think of it in
> a broader term... BB is going through... and so on and so forth. I
> was thinking of it more inclusively.
>> 2. Also.. you are all the time going back to the hijacked subject
>> even when I have every time changed it to something more
>> meaningful. Why is this?
> Again, I respect that you choose whatever terms you wish but I ask
> that you not judge. "hijacked subject" and "more meaningful" seem to
> carry impositions / value sets of their own, but perhaps I am just
> imposing my own value set here.
>> 3. We need someone to validate your condition and provide
>> appropriate help. How do you intend to help with this?
> If you wish to provide any help that you wish please see my keybase
> (which corresponds to my signature which is appended to this e-mail) at
> https://keybase.io/odinn/sigs/F4jeqwiVrjgA7cvKgsNF__-LHcmwqatXxtiZ
> and
> https://gist.github.com/ABISprotocol/549baab49375bfa22615
> and
> https://twitter.com/AnonyOdinn/status/516433804978700288
> and
> https://keybase.io/odinn
> Once you have observed these proofs, public keys, etc., you can take
> it a step further, and communicate with me privately via PGP. I would
> be able to send you a couple scanned documents if you wish (though
> they would only represent a portion of my condition which has been
> ongoing for 35 years - the duration of my epilepsy condition)
>> 4. What is your involvement with unsystem or darkwallet?
> By this point you have probably figured it out, but you can look
> through the DW repository and see some of my offhanded remarks as
> ABISprotocol, and you can also see this as examples from further back
> (yes it is all me):
> https://www.cyberguerrilla.org/a/2013/?p=16452
> https://lists.unsystem.net/pipermail/darkwallet/2014-March/000010.html
> https://lists.unsystem.net/pipermail/darkwallet/2014-March/000013.html
> https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/message/20141008.230153.64a85306.en.html
> See also:
> https://github.com/ABISprotocol | https://github.com/ABISprotocol/ABIS
> -- http://abis.io
> https://github.com/ABISprotocol/BitName |
> https://forum.unsystem.net/t/interoperability-and-trans-identical-identity-decentralization-proposals-thoughts-for-review/333
>> cheers.
> cheers
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