:: Re: [unSYSTEM] FWD from forum: "Mas…
Poista viesti
Lähettäjä: Juanjo Pina
Päiväys: 2014-12-16 16:06 -000
Vastaanottaja: unsystem
Uudet otsikot: [unSYSTEM] "Police" raid Cibersquat to seize all electronic equipment
Aihe: Re: [unSYSTEM] FWD from forum: "Massive operation" against "anarchist terrorism" in Spain, arrests in Kasa de la Muntanya
Things are turning uglyhere.

Las cosas se ponen feas por aquí.


El 16/12/14 a las 17:45, Julia Tourianski escribió:
> when I was there it was full of families with kids, and nice people in
> general.
> i guess it was the kids and their tiny frisky fingers building those
> bombs.
> I am shocked.
> For the secrets and lies, my PGP key:
> https://libbitcoin.dyne.org/julia_tourianski.pgp.asc
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Noel Maersk <veox@???
> <mailto:veox@wemakethings.net>> wrote:
>     https://forum.unsystem.net/t/massive-operation-against-anarchist-terrorism-in-spain-arrests-in-kasa-de-la-muntanya/419
>     http://www.lavanguardia.com/sucesos/20141216/54421474789/operativo-de-los-mossos-contra-terrorismo-anarquista.html

>     This looks like the right twitter:
>     https://twitter.com/kasadlamuntanya

>     Anyone knows more about this? Especially what's the reaction of the
>     public not generally associated with KdlM?

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> _______________________________________________
> unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net
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Firma Juanjo Filé Aesir
Juanjo Pina | *Tel: 615 94 08 89
***juanjo.pina@??? <mailto:juanjo.pina@fileaesir.com>|
www.fileaesir.com<http://www.sicnova3d.com> *