:: Re: [Dng] Uninstallation of libsyst…
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Autor: yvesjv
Data: 2014-12-05 18:58 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [Dng] Uninstallation of libsystemd0

     Hi all,

    Are emails to the devuan lists being filtered?



----- Original Message -----
From: yvesjv@???
To:"chris" ,
Sent:Fri, 05 Dec 2014 05:25:09 +1100
Subject:Re: [Dng] Uninstallation of libsystemd0

     Thanks Chris!

    Guess a good backup of the /home directory first is recommended.

    Followed by burning a copy of Slackware or a BSD iso to re-install
from scratch if it all goes south :-)

    Another option is to wait for sources on ftp://Devuan/testing to
become fully available and then migrate to it.

    If we have waited that long for the fork to happen, guess we could
wait a bit longer for the sources to become available.

    May the fork be with youl? :-)



----- Original Message -----
From: "chris"
Sent:Tue, 02 Dec 2014 22:40:07 +0000
Subject:Re: [Dng] Uninstallation of libsystemd0

just some points from memory....

make sure sysv is installed!

Rest easy in the knowledge that it is actually possible! (if a bit
roapy, to have jessie without systemd)

bare in mind you'll loose policykit (depends on libpam-systemd) -
until the fork's a going concern I'd recommend another parallel
partition with for example Gentoo where you can have eudev / polkit /
xfce etc without sysd and the world ending!

Then at least if your Debian install dies you can rescue if by
chrooting from Gentoo...

Good luck!

On 02/12/14 21:48, yvesjv@??? [1] wrote:
Hi all,

    Need some assistance with the removal of libsystemd0. 

    Followed the instructions provided at http://without-systemd.org/wiki

    It of course removed gdm and some other files but installing slim
fixed the login. 

    Next is apptemting to remove libsystemd0 

    apt-get remove libsystemd0  appears to want remove a HUGE number of
packages of my Debian xfce installation and has that warning in there

    WARNING: The following essential packages will be removed.
 This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!
 bsdutils libsystemd0 (due to bsdutils)

    Is there a safe way to remove/replace libsystemd0 and

    Also thank you all for providing this great hope of reviving one of
the best Linux distributions. 



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[1] mailto:yvesjv@tpg..com.au
[2] http://without-systemd.org/wiki
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