:: Re: [Dng] Gregory's rant
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Autor: Gregory Smith
Data: 2014-12-03 10:49 -000
Para: Vlad
CC: Dng
Assunto: Re: [Dng] Gregory's rant
Nope, if you don't agree with feminists you get kicked out of debian
(Ted Walther).
If you don't agree with feminists your work is deleted from opensource
hosts at their request.
If you don't agree with feminists your work is rejected from debian
for that reason.

You must be pro-women's rights, anti girl-child marriage, progressive
person to contribute to opensource. You do NOT need to code or do
anything to contribute tho (Debian-Woman don't for the most part, but
their "great contributers")

That's how it is now. It didn't used to be. Everything changed around
2005/2006 or somewhere along there.

On 12/3/14, Vlad <2389vbl@???> wrote:
> Group or gender X has just as much right to oppress and force it's opinions
> on Y as Y has to oppress and force it's opinion non X, which is none.
> If you think there is spyware or other dangerous or buggy stuff in code
> please feel free to raise the red flag and/or clean it up yourself.
> At the end of the day if somebody produces decent code and adheres to the
> spirit of open source and the Unix philosophy that is far more important
> than political affiliations IMO, however that does not mean that pushing a
> particular agenda other than that of free and open software that does one
> thing and does it well is a good thing.
> Political idiocy and agenda pushing played a large part in the adoption of
> systemd IMO, and I for one would rather not see any of it here.
> On December 3, 2014 9:22:00 AM EET, Isaac Dunham <ibid.ag@???> wrote:
>>On Wed, Dec 03, 2014 at 04:37:02AM +0000, Gregory Smith wrote:
>>> (social progressives) need surveillance so they can put "bad" people
>>> (non-progressives, sexists, pedos, anti-feminists, racists, muslims,
>>> old christians,.. anything that would be in good standing with the
>>> ideas expressed in the old testament... anyone against them) in
>>> or to be bombed.
>><and a lot more in like vein>
>>I voted for Huckabee, Keyes, Perry, and Romney...and I'm going to say
>>that, with uncapped 1.5Mbit DSL, none of your emails, this one
>>especially, have been worth the bandwidth to download them.
>>You advocate open-source development as a meritocracy.
>>You say that men create things.
>>Now, I'd like to see you create something that merits reading.
>>(Preferably a package stripped of a systemd dependency, or some other
>>code that helps to get Devuan closer to release.)
>>Also, I ask you to consider in prayer whether Eph. 4:1-3, Eph 4:29,
>>Phil. 4:5-8, Col. 3:8, and Gal. 5:13-15 mean anything to you; I cannot
>>see how the email to which I am replying could be considered compatible
>>with the principles expressed in the New Testament.
>>Awaiting a post that is more useful to edification or the need of the
>>Isaac Dunham
>>And now a contribution to this list that may help the readership using
>>#make sure the average email isn't deleted
>>score "~f .*" 1
>>#remove posts about 4chan
>>score "~s .*4chan.*" -2
>>#if a troll joins the list
>># score "~f user@???" -1
>>#delete stuff that scores too low
>>set score_threshold_delete=0
>>Dng mailing list
> --
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.