:: [Dng] fraud warning
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Autor: Javier Ortega Conde (Malkavian)
Data: 2014-12-01 18:56 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: [Dng] fraud warning

My name is Javier Ortega Conde Respaldiza Pérez Ruiz Martínez Herce Conde
Ortega Laso Arratia Pérez Navales Ortiz Recio Laso
Enought surnames I hope... My foot number is 44 (Europe size). I am from
Bilbao (Basque Country) [Spain], I am a system administrator and have my
own business of online courses. I love Debian but I love more freedom, so I
am interested in Devuan project but not related to it or Dyne.org. I hope
you aren't a warlock XDDD.

Or maybe I've had more experience at seeing things like this go bad than
> you have.

Maybe, or maybe not.

> The first priority of business needs to get the house in order.

Devuan is not a business. Nowadays it's nothing. It will be a community and
a GNU/Linux distribution.

> 2) You have a failure to identify the proponents and organizers upfront.

At least three persons have told you that that info would be revealed soon,
please be patient. It is just starting and lot of things must be decided
and get ready. It's an alfa version community and you are asking for a
stable release community. Wait at least to the beta ;)

> 4) You also have a failure of basic consensus as to the stated goals of the
> project.

Sure, there isn't consesus, there isn't server, there isn't anything!!!

> 5) and you have purposefully misleading campaign which misidentifies the
> organizers as "Old Time Unix Admins"

They are devils, maybe vampires, hurry up and get out of this list, before
one bite you.

> What is needed here is sunlight, not deceptions. It starts with "Hi,
> I'm Denis Jaromil Roio. I Own and Run Dyne.org and I want to help fork
> Debian without systemd. Here is what I propose. Here is what I can do.
> Here is how I hope to organize this. Here is how you contact me! And
> if you send me Money, I will use it like THIS and here is how i can be
> found toi be accountable.

Probably many of the things you wrote there, can't be answered yet because
aren't decided yet. By the way, as said in Wikipedia:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaromil Jaromil = Rasta Coder = Denis Rojo =
Rami = (complete name and surnames:) Denis Jaromil Roio

Moreover, I think that you won't have that answers now, so you just have 3

1- Continue moaning without getting anything and probably get a moderation
2- Wait calmly until the project is more defined and get some servers and
real web and not some space borrowed from dyne.org
3- Get out here to other projects that fulfill your expectations.

Choose... No, just choose... I said NO! Choose. If messages from this line
have sense probably you already choosed 1. As you sow you shall reap. Peace.

       Bye: Javier Ortega Conde (Malkavian)
Member of Go Club of Bilbao (GoBi)        http://gobi.webnode.es
Member of GLUB, Eghost, Itsas, Aske, Guardianes del Túmulo...
Microsoft is to operating systems and security what McDonald's to gourmet
food and healthy nutrition. (Javier Ortega Conde (Malkavian))