:: Re: [Dng] No systemd: Please be san…
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Autor: Franco Lanza
Datum: 2014-12-01 07:26 -000
To: dng
Betreff: Re: [Dng] No systemd: Please be sane and keep to the path you have chosen.
On Mon, Dec 01, 2014 at 08:03:12AM +0000, Gregory Smith wrote:
> Debian claimed that systemd wouldn't be forced, you always could use
> init, same sort of message. That was a lie and we knew it from the
> start.
> There needs to be a strong message sent.

They lie. We don't.

They mean "you can choose (for the moment) to use another init as pid 1,
but you will have a lot of shit from systemd even if you use another
init. And then in future this will be probably false again, and you will
forced to use systemd in init 1."

We mean "maybe, if we can, we will offer also the option to use systemd,
but only if this mean that we can work even without anything from it. In
any case, you can be sure that you can run a system completely systemd
free, nor only from pid 1, but from the whole system".

Find the differences.


Franco Lanza
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