:: Re: [Dng] Devuan Logo
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Skribent: Miles Fidelman
Dato: 2014-12-01 04:13 -000
CC: dng
Emne: Re: [Dng] Devuan Logo
I don't know about that one - it kind of looks like an amulet a Devil
worshiper would wear.

What about a kitten? Everybody loves kittens.:-)


Gregory Smith wrote:
> I like this one:
> http://k30.kn3.net/2/1/A/4/F/A/3BD.jpg
> Debian logo is good because it's abstract and round and red.
> Devuan should keep those principals.
> People don't like mice, horses, pigs, etc as logos.
> On 12/1/14, hellekin <hellekin@???> wrote:
>> On 11/30/2014 11:36 PM, Chris wrote:
>>> aah fooie it is time for bed! I didn't include the link!!!
>>> http://chrisc.bedroomcoders.co.uk/img/devuan3.svg
>> *** I like the jagguar better than the mouse.
>> A few days ago I proposed this on IRC, inspired from the pasta fork, but
>> there was no response apart from nexttime's allusion that maybe we don't
>> want to stick to the fork.
>> https://github.com/hellekin/devuan-artwork
>> In any case you might want to use some of it for propaganda.
>> (The font is Monaco with a custom "fork u")
>> ==
>> hk
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