:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Turkey's support of …
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Συντάκτης: Amir Taaki
Ημερομηνία: 2014-11-12 22:40 -000
Προς: unsystem
Αντικείμενο: Re: [unSYSTEM] Turkey's support of ISIS fascists against libertarian Rojava
US created the Taliban, funding Hekmatyar who didn't fight the soviets
but murdered civilians and fought against the actual resistance groups
(just like ISIS):

And here's Turkey President Erdogan sitting together with Hekmatyar:

Erdogan criticising Israeli PM for Palestinian killings (such hypocrisy):

Turkey president unveiling 270 million EUR palace with 1000 rooms on a
national park with historical significance:

The Turkish nationalist shills who comment on the internet are just
retarded. With the rise of Golden Dawn in Greece, and Serbian fascists,
it isn't looking good for freedom in east Europe.

On 11/12/2014 07:23 PM, Mike Gogulski wrote:
> * Turkey is a strategic US/Nato partner.
> On 11/12/2014 08:18 PM, Amir Taaki wrote:
>> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-l-phillips/research-paper-isis-turke_b_6128950.html?utm_hp_ref=tw
>> * Turkey Provides Military Equipment to ISIS
>> * Turkey Provided Transport and Logistical Assistance to ISIS Fighters
>> * Turkey Provided Training to ISIS Fighters
>> * Turkey Offers Medical Care to ISIS Fighters
>> * Turkey Supports ISIS Financially Through Purchase of Oil
>> * Turkey Assists ISIS Recruitment
>> * Turkey Helped ISIS in Battle for Kobani
>> * Turkey and ISIS Share a Worldview
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